Thursday 24 December 2015


Dark circles have always been a problem for many people .Every one wants removed in an effective way   without damaging the layer of skin . It occurs for many reason to lack of sleep ,allergic reaction ,genetic and stress .Always remember that this area is so delicate that you must never apply anything that would tighten the skin .Avoid astringent except a fruit mask .The easiest way is get well hydrated drink at least 8 glasses of water. Wash your eyes with this lotion .Take two tsp of dried rose mary herb +two cup of hot water.Put this herb into hot water and let it cool and stain and use it  .It is really a marvelous eye lotion.

MASK FOR DARK CIRCLE ----Take two tsp of radish juice +one tsp potato juice +one tsp fuller's earth (mulltani mitti).Mix all ingredients and apply on dark circle for 20 minutes and wash off gently with fresh water .Do this treatment thrice a week .
(2)  The crazies eye pad are made from mint ,apply some crushed mint paste on dark circle . It take away the darkness around the eyes .

Saturday 19 December 2015


Oatmeal works as a natural exponential to get rid of accumulated  dead skin and dirt .It absorb excess oil from the skin .Oatmeal has anti inflammatory as well as anti irritating properties  which help to cure itching and redness from the skin.It healer for dry and rough hands .It helps soften and moisturize your skin .

TREATMENT FOR ECZEMA-- Take two tsp of grounded oatmeal powder +half tsp honey +half  tsp lemon juice +two drops tea tree oil .Mix all ingredients well and rub gently on the affected area in a circulation motion and leave it for 20 minutes and wash off with water .
TREATMENT FOR SUN -TAN---Take one tsp grounded oatmeal powder +half tsp honey +one tsp curd .

Mix  all ingredients and apply on affected area and leave it for half an hour and wash off with fresh water.

Sunday 13 December 2015


There are thousands of natural beauty products come on to the market .Consumer have more confusion about what treatment are truly good for their body and skin .Which are misguided by labeling and advertising on natural skin care products .Many of them do contain authentic natural ingredients that go into these products and therefore go into our skin .

Skin eats whatever we fed it .It is very important to know the ingredients of products which we apply externally .Always start reading the label of your beauty products .These skin care products are made by using natural ingredients included plants and herbs .These beauty products are made purely of plants and pure extracts which are balanced by nature .whenever you buy a beauty products read all ingredients  if you can't eat these ingredients don't use it .Always purchasing any natural cosmetic look first for ingredients which have natural extracts of fruits and herbs.Products which have PABA ,PETRLATUM ,PARAFFIN ,should be avoided.

Thursday 10 December 2015


 Blemishes occur as skin discoloration or dark spots .Blemishes is characterized by a darkening of an area of skin by the overproduction of pigment in the skin known as melanin.It can be caused due to genetics ,sun exposure ,stress and hormones ect.The blemishes of the skin could be due to many reason which may are hyper pigmentation ,over exposure to sun .Here are some simple home remedies to minimize blemishes.

HOME REMEDIES FOR BLEMISHES---Papaya and banana contain the enzymes pa pain that  help to minimize the blemishes. Take a papaya or banana peel rub over your skin and leave for ten minutes and rinse with cold water.


Dried sea weed which is rich in mineral ,salt and iodine .It has healing properties .Take one tsp of sea weed (kelp) +one tsp curd . Mix both ingredients well and apply on face for 10 minutes and wash off with fresh water.Your skin will be clear up and blemish free.

Saturday 5 December 2015


  This type of skin is dry cheeks and greasy from center.The basic of beauty is keeping it clean ,deep cleansing method is beneficial to all types of skin.It cleans the skin of all surface dirt ,and unclog pores.It can be used twice a week .Always cleans the combination skin with home made toner and scrubber .Use twice a week .Always apply light moisturizer ,but cheeks must be treated as treat dry skin ,so apply lots of moisturizer .

HOW TO MAKE HOME MADE SCRUBBER FOR COMBINATION SKIN----Take two cup of grounded oatmeal +two tsp of baking powder +one tsp salt .Mix all dry ingredients and store in a jar.Make a mixture of one tsp of dry mixture +one tsp curd + one tsp rose water or distilled water.Make a smooth paste and apply on skin with gently massaging movement.Do this massage for few seconds  and rinse with  salted   cold water.It will keep your skin soothing and flawless .

Wednesday 25 November 2015


 This type of skin needs to be utmost care .Choose very carefully skin products .Avoid make up on your face .Always use natural home products to get a smooth and healthy skin, Using day by day these home remedies your face will refreshed and nourished.

HOME MADE SCRUBBER FOR SENSITIVE SKIN---Take one tsp of almond powder +half tsp of lemon zest+half tsp of dry milk powder.mix all of them and store in a pot.Take one tsp of mixture mix in a water and apply on face and rub gently for about 30  seconds  and wash off with fresh water.

 HOW TO NOURISH SENSITIVE SKIN---Take one tsp of rose oil +one tsp of sandalwood oil + one tsp  of  almond oil . Mix all  oils well and after cleansing when  your face is wet
take two drops of oil in four drops of water  and massage  on all  over face for one minute.

Wednesday 18 November 2015


Freckles is the common problem in fairer skin people.Freckles are light brown spots on sun exposed skin. These freckles are quite harmless and mostly produced to sun rays. Freckles are most often visible on fair skin complexion.They are usually found on neck ,back and under the breast.Freckles appear most often in women and in elderly people.Here are some simple home remedies for freckles.

TREATMENT FOR FRECKLES ---Take half tsp of cotton seed oil and apply on freckles for half an hour and then rinse off. Do daily for two weeks for optimal results.

Take one tsp of crushed pumpkin seed and half tsp olive oil and mix both ingredients well and apply on freckles for half an hour and then rinse off.

Friday 13 November 2015


Stretch marks appear when your skin is stretched suddenly .They occur in the middle layer of your skin .Stretch marks are the result of rapid stretching of the skin due to sudden weight growth .Stretch marks may be appear due to rapid hormonal changes.They appear as thinned skin most often found on abdomen ,hips and thighs.

TREATMENT FOR STRETCH MARKS---Take one tsp of honey and two tsp flex seed oil or (vitamin E capsule). Mix both ingredients well and rub gently on the affected area. Do daily for two months to lighten the stretch marks.

Friday 6 November 2015


A healthy skin is smooth ,soft and lustrous.Our skin is hard at work repairing itself .We must take advantage of natural home remedies for skin care ,even every one should take precaution to protect from over  exposure from the sun .Skin eats what ever we feed it .It is very important to know the ingredients of products which we apply externally ,if you can't eat these ingredients don't use it on your skin .Try this natural home made face glow serum for fabulous skin in winter.

HOW TO MAKE SERUM---Take one tsp of aloe vera paste , one tsp glycerin ,half tsp almond oil and one tsp rose water.Mix all ingredients well and apply on face and neck . Massage gently for few seconds to
upward direction and leave it for 20 minutes and after twenty minutes wash off with fresh water.

Thursday 5 November 2015


CAUSES OF SPLIT ENDS----Excessive use of hair products such as curling ,ironing and hair coloring may be weaken the hair and making the hair to split ends.Split ends give you an awful look..How to fix split ends without cutting them here are some home remedies.

TREATMENT FOR SPLIT ENDS--Take one cup mayonnaise ,apply a thick layer on slightly damp hair from scalp to roots for 30 minutes and wash off with shampoo.Mayonnaise is rich in potassium,carbohydrates and vitamins .It add shine to your hair and prevent from split ends .

Take one banana +half  cup curd  +two tsp honey  +  two tsp olive oil.Mix all ingredients and apply on scalp to roots for 30minutes and wash  off with shampoo.

Sunday 25 October 2015


Sun exposure seems to play a role in the development of moles.Warts are a common viral infection .However toxicity and poor elimination are factors in all types of skin growth.Moles occur when cells in the skin grow in a cluster.They make the pigment that gives skin its natural color.

TREATMENT FOR MOLES---Apply a few drops of castor oil nightly to moles and peel off in the morning.

Soak cotton ball in apple cider vinegar or pineapple juice and dab on mole and apply a bandage open mole for half an hour .Do this treatment for few days until mole fall off.Apply coconut oil surrounding the mole area.

Friday 23 October 2015


As we age we loose volume in our face ,and our skin loose down.Our skin is hard at repairing itself.Loose skin can result in wrinkles.A long with stress and diet environment and age factor are one of the major cause of skin loose .There are natural home remedies that can help tighten loose skin .It will tight skin elasticity and firm skin tissues to tightening the loose skin.

MASK FOR TIGHTENING SKIN-----Take one egg white and three tissue paper.Apply egg white on your face in a thin layer and put the tissue paper on your face and lie down when it dries apply another layer upon tissue paper ,when it dries apply third layer and leave let it dry,when you feel tight peel off the tissue papers.Apply some moisturizer on your face.This mask will leave your skin feeling tight and smooth.

Sunday 27 September 2015


Massage can help prevent from wrinkles and lines. They can't disappear already,if we massage our self and give our self a facial using the following massage movements.You don't need to head to a professional every time .Massaging your face circulate blood flow.It helps to reduced stress and  increase blood circulation .It helps toning up the muscles and nourishing our skin and bringing the blood to the surface .There are three main movements for facial massage .These technique provide internal as well as external relief and slow down the aging process.There are some movements for massage.
FIRST STEP---Start from the throat apply any herbal oil according to your skin type on wet face and neck by stroking with both hands up to the next to the chin and out to the jaw line .

SECOND STEP--Give stroke and rolling movement from back of your hand ,then give strokes from center of chin to corner of mouth.

THIRD STEP---Give strokes between nose and upper lip.

FOURTH STEP--Give strokes center of cheek bones.

FIFTH STEP---Give strokes at brows .Pinch each brows make the whole arch from inside to out side.At last stimulate by slapping your skin.


Friday 11 September 2015


The average person has 100,000 hair on the scalp.The factor which affect our hair fall are hormones ,climate and improper diet even if you are tense or ill ,your hair will instantly reflect it ,Hair is fed by the blood flowing to the follicle.So we we should take good diet for good circulation to healthy hair.A healthy scalp produces healthy hair .Hair is a fast growing tissue and its likely to make demands on your body ,you need a mixture of protein ,complex carbohydrates and vitamins .Protein has amino acids ,essential for the building of hair cells ,inadequate protein intake can cause hair loss.

TREATMENT FOR HAIR FALL---Take two tsp aloe vera  juice +two tsp honey +two tsp potato juice .Mix all ingredients and apply on scalp for 20 minutes .Wash your hair with shampoo.Repeat this treatment twice a week.

TREATMENT FOR HAIR FALL--Apply raw papaya paste on roots and hair and let it stay for 20 minutes.Wash your hair with shampoo.Repeat this treatment twice a week.

Friday 14 August 2015


Pores on face become enlarged when they are clogged with oil.Pores enlarge when they become clogged with oil. Open pores worsen with increasing age as the skin loose elasticity.Always wash your face once in a morning ,once at night ,this will help to shrink your pores.Apply home made mask to shrink your tissues and tighten pores.These mask shrink pores and tighten our skin and our skin looks smoother and firmer.

(1) ICE -Ice works as an effective home remedy to shrink large pores.Wrap some ice in a soft cloth and hold on your skin for few seconds or wash your face with ice cold water.

(2) TOMATOES--Mash some tomatoes and apply on your face for five to seven minutes and wash your face with cold water to shrink pores.

(3) LEMON--Apply lemon juice on your face before sleeping .Lemon is a natural astringent that will close your pores.

Friday 31 July 2015


Dry skin seems to be drawn too tightly .It has a tendency to flakiness and dry patches .Tiny lines are normally visible which if we neglected ,turn into wrinkles and lines .Dry skin needs lots of extra care ,you should eat enough fat and protein.Take a course of vitamin E for three months.

FOR CLEANSING --Take equal quantity of almond powder +milk powder and half quantity of sugar .Store in a jar .Use half tsp to make a paste with water to cleans the skin ,if your skin is very dry mix few drops of almond oil .

NOURISHING ---Make a mixture of sesame oil( til oil)+lemon oil ,store in a bottle ,shake well.Take a few drops of oil on palm and massage gently on wet face for two to three minutes until skin absorb all the essential  oil.


Are you looking of beauty ingredients for most of your beauty problem .Apple cider vinegar can work on blemishes ,pores and healthier for your hair .Always use a raw,organic and unfiltered apple cider vinegar.Apple cider vinegar contain acetic acid ,it help the scalp from dandruff by maintain PH balance. Apple cider vinegar works as an astringent and it remove excess oil from the skin ,when vinegar is used as a toner ,it helps skin to find balance between dry and oily skin.

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR FACE MASK---Take one tsp water +half tsp apple cider vinegar  +one tsp corn starch.Mix all ingredients and apply on face for 15 minutes and wash off with fresh water.
Take one dilute of apple cider vinegar in two tsp of water and apply with a cotton ball and rub gently over blemishes.It works wonder. It remove warts ,soak cotton ball in diluted apple cider vinegar with water and place over night cover with a bandage ,do this for a week to get the desired result.

Apply apple cider vinegar +equal part of water .Massage your scalp with this mixture and leave it for two minutes and rinse your hair.

Saturday 25 July 2015


Wrinkles are an inevitable part of the natural aging process ,as we become older our skin gets thinner ,dries and less elastic .The way you sleep may be cause of wrinkles ,it puts pressure on your face .Low diets in protein and rich in carbohydrates also cause of pre mature wrinkles ,tendency to talk with more more facial movement may be cause of pre mature wrinkles

HOME REMEDIES FOR PRE MATURE WRINKLE -----Do face lifting exercise daily.

(2)  Massage your skin with omege3.

(3) Half mash banana +half tsp honey ,mix both ingredients and apply on face for half an hour .

(4) Take half tsp aloe vera paste +one vitamin E capsule ,mix both ingredients and apply on face for 20 minutes .Aloe vera contains malic acid that helps reduce wrinkles.

(5) Grind a half cup of fenugreek (methi leaves) and make and make a paste. Apply on face for 15 minutes.

 The leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals and it helps to treat wrinkles.
I must emphasis that these remedies can't work miracles in a day  ,these remedies often take more than a one month .Always remember applying any mask try patch test first .


Thursday 16 July 2015


When the skin produce excess oil ,it result in acne and pimples , make up does not stay on for long time due to the greasiness . To overcome this problem try oil free cosmetics and cleans your face with this mask .Potatoes contains vitamin C and they thoroughly cleans the skin of blemishes and are reputed to benefit in eczema .It is marvelous for greasy and spotty skin.                                               

MASK FOR GREASY SKIN--(1)--Take one tsp of potato juice + one tsp fuller's earth (mulltani mitti) .mix both and and apply on face for 15 minutes

(2) Lemon juice is rich in alpha hydroxy acids.It regenerate cells.It also helps to get rid of excess oil.Take a cotton ball and dip in a lemon juice and rub gently on face for few seconds.Wash off your face with fresh water.

(3) Take one tsp grated raw potatoes +two tsp grated cucumber +one tsp yogurt +1/4 tsp baking soda .Mix all ingredients well and apply on face for 20 minutes and wash off with fresh water.  
These masks are ideal for greasy and oily skin.


Tuesday 14 July 2015


The basis of beauty is a good skin ,and the secret of good skin is keeping it clean .The change in weather means it is time to change skin care regime.There are several infection taking place .There can be skin problem like eczema ,rashes prickly heat and pimples .The season tends to infect the air. Skin and hair cannot be left behind the moist humid rainy weather. Deep cleansing method is beneficial to all types of skin

.It cleans the skin of all surface dirt and unclogs blocked pores.

MASK ---Take handful of crushed neem leaves (Azadirachta) margosa  +one tsp fuller's earth (mulltani mitti) or clay +four drops 10 volume  hydrogen  peroxide +one tsp water .mix all ingredients and apply on face for five minutes.

(2) Sandal is an excellent source for curing skin problem .Take one tsp sandal powder and mix in two tsp of rose water and apply on face for 10 minutes.Wash off with with fresh water.

(3) Green tea is antioxidant .It helps to reduce the inflammation and redness .Take used green tea bag and transfer its content in a cup and mix one tsp of curd .Make a paste and apply on face for 10 minutes .Wash off with fresh water.
These masks will purge impurities and soothing to skin.

Sunday 12 July 2015


The health of our hair requires a plenty supply of nutrient .Our hair average grows about one centimetre a month ,Problem can arise when hair become dry or brittle or becomes flecked with dandruff . Hair is a fast growing tissue .

WHAT IS THE CAUSES OF IT---Some conditions may also be caused by nutritional deficiencies ,stress ,poor diet and hormonal changes or genetic .We need a mixture of protein ,complex carbohydrates and vitamins .Protein has amino acids which is essential for the building of hair cells ,inadequate protein intake can cause hair loss.Carbohydrates help in the growth of hair ,good source of carbohydrates are whole wheat ,oats ,bajra,brown rice.
Lack of vitamin A can result in a flaky scalp, but too much vitamin A over a long period can cause hair loss.
Thinning hair may be a sign that your (GI) tract is not absorbing zinc and other nutrients properly ,taking one or two pills of zinc twice a day may improve your GI function and boost your body ability to absorb important hair nourishing substance from the food we eat.Taking biotin and vitamin B is good for our hair ,taking food which are rich in vitamin B  and zinc ,promote healthy hair growth and slow hair loss,because it can boost thyroid function.

Zinc may be beneficial for people who have brittle or thinning hair as a result of an under active thyroid.
Para aminobenzoic acid may protect hair follicles and prevent hair loss.It is recommended for restoring grey hair to its natural colour,but it works only if you have deficiency of PABA or vitamin B .Take one tsp of flax seed after breakfast for healthy hair.

Tuesday 7 July 2015


Do you have swollen hands and feet especially before your periods .There are main symptoms of water retention in the body .It increase blood pressure in your veins ,causes increased pressure in the tiny capillaries that work throughout our tissues bloated bellied ,swollen figure in women before their period may be cause of PMS that is regulation of water balance in the body . Add these foods and supplements in your diet to reduce water retention .

Take adequate quantity of vitamin A and C ,which is available in dark green vegetables and dairy products.

Eat vitamin C ,which is available in amla and citrus fruits. Women who are suffering from pre menstrual syndrome(PMS) must take vitamin B6 ,It plays main role in the body's use of hormones linked to water retention.Vitamin B is also good for our nervous system  ,Take vitamin B6  ,which is available in whole grains ,nuts ,soya bean ,egg yolk and dairy products.

Saturday 4 July 2015


Every one should nourish their skin daily to get a fabulous skin. Over exposure to sun and wind can damage our skin.To get a smooth and clearer skin day by day using these natural remedies , look better and brighter in a week and month .The Avocado is one of the most nutritious fruit ,it contains a great number of vitamins ,minerals and natural oil which can help feed the skin.

AVOCADO MASK ---Two tsp pulp of avocado +one tsp of honey + four drops of lemon juice. Mix all ingredients into a paste and apply on face for half an hour. It has every thing we need to nourish our skin.This mask is rich in nourishing and pampering.


During humidity day our hair is prone to curling water molecules will steadily absorbed and incorporated into hydrogen.Frizzy hair occurs when the cuticle layer of your hair is raised ,allowing moisture to pass through and swell the strands ,as a result our hair looks dry and frizzy.

A few changes in diet and life style can help you to tackle frizzy hair .Always use a wide toothed comb on wet hair ,any other brush will stretch the hair and cause frizz . Keep away hair from the back of your neck ,the moisture from the sweat will frizz hair ,Don't over do anti frizz hair serum at the root ,it will make your hair limp and greasy.Lack of vitamins and iron can week and brittle hair.

HOME REMEDY FOR FRIZZY HAIR----Take half cup of Aloe vera paste or juice mix with half cup of honey and apply the mixture on your hair root's and let it stay for 15 minutes .Do this twice a week.

Take two egg yolk + two tsp of apple cider vinegar,mix both in a paste and apply on roots for half an hour.

Saturday 27 June 2015


Our skin need to maintain appropriate skin care not even external as well as internal regime and a healthy life style .As a good skin starts with what we eat , here are two cocktail drink which are most beneficial to the skin.

COCKTAIL DRINK---Take two cups of orange juice +one cup coriander juice +two cups spinach juice ,mix all the juices and sieve. This juice is quite delicious and works wonder on the complexion as it is rich in iron and vitamin C ,which is needed to improve complexion.This cocktail drink improve skin is incredible.


Take one cup of prune + juice of two lemon ,mix both in a juicer and sieve .Drink this juice every morning .It is very effective in clearing skin.

Thursday 25 June 2015


Though many people think of insomnia as the inability to fall asleep. Sleep problems that lost just a few weeks are often related to stress .
What cause it?-- Dietary and life style factor ,a major illness ,Tension ,Anxiety and Depression are the causes of insomnia . In some instances a nutrient deficiency ,especially a lack of Calcium ,Magnesium or vitamin B6 can lead to sleep problem.

Numerous studies have found all herbal supplements ,to be an effective sleep aid ,such as Chamomile and Pasion flower.These herbs taken in the form of pills .

Take a handful of cherries before bed time . Cherries are packed with melatonin the same hormone that your body create to regulate sleep pattern.Do 40 minutes of vigorous walking four times a week helped not only to fall asleep but also to sleep soundly through the night.

Wednesday 24 June 2015


CAUSES OF LINES ON FOREHEAD----Anxiety ,Dehydration , Consumption of too much sugar or protein, Too much use of  tomato ,cucumber and lemon.

TREATMENT--Do daily facial exercise like stretch and tighten forehead  muscles hold  and release five times.

Apply herbal mask of corn starch +Aloe vera juice , make a paste and apply on forehead for 20 minutes.

Apply Papaya pulp for ten minutes once in a week .

Sunday 21 June 2015


Skin is not a waterproof wrapping .it is highly efficient organ ,it protects the body from bacteria. The skin is one of the greatest indicators of good or bad health.Diet is also vital importance .Our skin needs vitamins to get more youthful skin .Drinking water is another easy way of tightening skin .Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water in a day to hydrate your skin.Over exposure to hot and dry wind also damage the skin ,along with stress and diet environment and age factor are one of the major cause of loose skin .Here are some home remedies for tightening skin.

SKIN TIGHTENING MASK-----Take two tsp of pomegranate +one tsp of  clay powder or fuller's earth (mulltani mitti)  ,make a thin paste and apply on face for 15 minutes and wash off with fresh water.

Spread a thin layer of egg white on your face for 10 minutes .This mask really tightens up the skin ,if your skin is dry add  half tsp of honey or oil.This mask is unbeatable.

Saturday 20 June 2015


It is among the most popular diet for Indians because its vegetarian diet plan.The GM diet and health program was recommended that during the first seven days you must avoid alcohol and must drink at least ten glasses of water each day.This vegetarian diet will help you loose weight very quickly. It is called as the GM diet.

DAY 1 --You can eat only fruits .

DAY 2--Second day is only for veggies ,you can eat boiled or raw vegetables ,even you can eat one potato in a day.

DAY 3--You can eat both fruits and vegetables.Don't eat potato on third day.Drink lots of water.

DAY 4--Drink two to four glasses of milk and maximum six banana for the whole day.

DAY 5-- Take tomato soup ,sprout and soya chunk.

DAY 6--You can eat sprout ,cheese and vegetable soup without tomato.

DAY 7--You can have half chapati or brown rice with vegetables and you can drink fresh fruit juice. Don't drink fruit juice  in the first six days ,if you strictly follow the diet plan you will get more slimmer body.

Thursday 18 June 2015


Every one wants soft and beautiful hands and feet like our face . Our feet and hands also need extra care because they also exposed to the environment .

MASK FOR FEET AND HANDS ---Take one egg yolk +two tsp of  mulltani mitti+ one tsp of any cooking oil.mix together into a paste and apply on feet and hands for 15 minutes and wash off with luke warm water.

Make a liquid of one portion of lemon juice + one portion of glycerine ,mix well and apply twice a week .

Apply baby oil on hands and feet at bed time.

Wednesday 17 June 2015


Dandruff can be caused by a number of things like such as psoriasis or eczema ,over growth of yeast can also called dandruff. poor circulation ,poor nourishment due to poor metabolism ,spicy food.

TREATMENT FOR DANDRUFF-----Take two tsp of Ratanjot powder( Alkanet) + one cup coconut oil and put in a bottle and place this bottle in sunlight for two days then stain and use this oil for scalp massage twice a week.

Make a mixture of one egg yolk + half tsp of lemon juice +three drops of camphor .mix all ingredients and apply to scalp leave for 15 minutes and wash off with mild shampoo.

Take supplements of 400 units vitamin E and Zinc for one month.

Tuesday 16 June 2015


Aloe vera have identified many of its active ingredients , which is rich in anti inflammatory substance. Its gel contains  a gummy materiel that act as a healing , that helps to relief pain and reduce swelling. Aloe vera gel is particularly helpful when applied to damaged skin . It helps in healing of sunburn ,minor skin wounds and reducing itching. Its gel also provide an air proof  moisturising barrier ,so that wound do not dry out. Aloe vera increase blood circulation and speeding  the regeneration of skin. Aloe vera make a soothing bath that is especially helpful for sunburn ,add two cup of aloe vera juice in one bucket of water and take bath.
It also used in treating the skin psoriasis , apply aloe vera gel to skin three times a day for one year.

Aloe vera juice that may be taken internally for inflammatory digestive disorder and heat burn .

Other studies are found that aloe vera's effectiveness as a antiviral and immune boosting agent for treatment of diabetes and cancer.

ALOE VERA MASK FOR DRY SKIN-----Take one tsp of aloe vera gel + one tsp of glycerine .mix both and apply on face for 15 minutes and wash off with fresh water.

ALOE VERA MASK FOR OILY SKIN---Take one tsp of aloe vera gel + half tsp of mulltani mitti (fuller's earth) mix both and apply on face for 10 minutes and wash off with fresh water.

Saturday 13 June 2015


How to make home made scents ,you can make your own scents just with simple ingredients and save money.

HOW TO MAKE SCENTS ---- Take one tsp of cloves  ,one cup of rose petals ,one cup of cider vinegar and two tsp of lemon or orange flowers. Put all ingredients  except vinegar along with one little water in a pot and bring to boil till it remains half in quantity ,strain and pour into spray bottle.


Put all herbs  with three cups of boiled water and vinegar in a bottle and shake well and leave them to stand for at least for a week and shake the bottle daily then strain  and use as a scent.

Friday 5 June 2015


Dry skin tends to  be itchy,you need to choose cosmetics that  won't result in allergy or rashes.The best way to take care of dry skin is to moisturise it regularly,wash your face only with water many times during the day.Use oil rich products and drink plenty of water.

HOW TO MAKE MASK----Put a pan over a low heat and put two tsp of sugar with 1/3 tsp of water, when it started  to caramel remove from the heat  and add a beaten egg  yolk,turn off the heat and mix in few drops of lemon juice.when cool enough ,make a tiny balls and store in a jar to use in your moistened as a mask.

Saturday 30 May 2015


Scrubber stimulates the skin ,bring the blood to the surface ,remove dead cells ,and leave the skin feeling beautifully smooth and clean. Try this scrubber for fabulous skin.

SCRUBBER---Take two tsp of finely ground orange peel or lemon peel +two tsp of ground oat meal
+ two tsp of ground almond ,mix all ingredients and store in a jar.Take a little , roughly a tsp in a palm and mix with a little water and scrub gently on your face in a circular movement for two to three minutes.After that wash off your face with fresh water.

Friday 29 May 2015


Pimples are skin inflammation of the skin .They are oil glands which are infected with bacteria even vitamin D deficiency may be cause of pimples scars ,It is when the dermis is damaged that  scars form on the skin.Pimples scars most often the product of an inflamed lesion ,such as a popular or cyst inflamed scars occur ,when the pore becomes engorged with excess oil and dead skin cells ,After that pimples is gone,it leaves with a pimples scars.You don't have to grin and beat and minimum use of cosmetics and moisturiser .

FACE PACK FOR SCARS---. Take half tsp of sandal powder +half tsp of lemon juice or (one tsp pf curd) +half tsp of coconut oil + half camphor BP crystals (not use synthetic camphor balls) .Mix together and apply on face for fifteen minutes and wash off with fresh water.


One tsp of crushed mint leaves +one tsp of crushed coriander leaves paste +one tsp of lemon juice or (curd), mix all ingredients and apply on your face for 15 minutes.

Apply tea tree oil (essential oil ) or avocado oil on pimples and scars , don't rub generally pat on your skin gently.

Saturday 23 May 2015


Vitamin E derived from natural vegetable oil is known as D Alpha .It is claimed natural vitamin E has 36% greater potency and it remains in the body for a much longer time and twice as effective as compared to synthetic vitamin E.The vitamin E is as essential nutrient ,which need to our body to be supplied in adequate quantity through the diet and supplements, if you are eating a balanced diet ,however you are probably not required.All foods containing vitamin E ,lose some of during storage and processing. The vitamin E in food is destroyed by oxygen, this is accelerated by heat and light .To get the vitamin E supplied by one 500 IU capsule we'd have to eat 300 tsp of mayonnaise.

Vitamin E is available in leafy vegetables ,corn , soya -bean ,nuts ,wheat and seeds oils.

Deficiency of vitamin E indicate  the risk for certain cancer of lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

BENEFITS OF VITAMIN E----It prevents frequent mis-carriage in women. .

It relief's from hot flushes and depression in menopausal women.

It is essential for function muscles.

It prevents brown pigmentation due to formation of highly unsaturated fatty acids.

It fight against the free redicals.

It helps  to prevent wrinkles .

It slows down the process of atherosclerosis.

It protects the body from harmful tumor promotion chemicals in smoked and cured food.

It decrease the clotting of blood inside blood vessels and beneficial for varicose vains.

Thursday 21 May 2015


When the skin produce excess oil its result in acne and pimples ,make up doesn't stay on for long time due to the greasiness.To over come this problem try oil free cosmetics and cleans your face with  this mask.potatoes contains vitamin c and it thoroughly cleans the skin of blemishes and  are reputed to benefit in eczema.It is marvellous for greasy and spotty skin.

Take one tsp of potato juice + half tsp of fuller's earth (mulltani mitti) mix both and apply on your face for 15 minutes.

Tuesday 19 May 2015


There are many causes of an irritated skin and medication allergies .A rash is a noticeable change in the colour of the skin.They can take on various symptoms like redness ,swelling , burning and itchiness of the skin .

TREATMENT FOR IRRITATED SKIN---Take a eight parts of water to one part vinegar and use for bathing. It will cure itchiness  of the skin and soften the skin.

MASK FOR IRRITATED SKIN-----Take two tsp of carrot juice + one tsp of  potatoes juice. mix both and apply on your face for 20 minutes.

Apply Vaseline  on your irritated skin before you go to bed ,it  works wonder.

Saturday 16 May 2015


Nails are one of the body   strongest tissues ,but they can become weakened and break for a number of reasons. Good nutrition is the key to nail vitality.Nutrition plays a key role in nail growth. Dry and brittle nails grow slowly could be caused by deficiencies. Change in nail colour may indicate an underlying illness ,when the blood doesn't get enough oxygen.

Take supplements of biotin and vitamin B about two months.

Keep your nails dry and clean.

Keep your nails moisturised ,apply a lotion castor oil on your cuticles before you go to bed.

Take one tsp of glycerine + two tsp of hydrogen peroxide(5 vol) or lemon+ four tsp of rose water . mix all ingredients and apply on your hand and nails ,this will bleach those nicotine stains from the nails.

Friday 15 May 2015


Summer makes your skin dry and itchy.Dry skin is an uncomfortable condition marked by scaling , itching and cracking .Dry skin is a common problem in people with diabetes or skin allergies .You can prevent dry skin by taking these steps.

Drink plenty of water at least five to six glasses in a day.

Bathe with fresh water ,using a soap that has  a high fat content.

After bath apply moisturiser .

Avoid using perfumed products these product can dry the skin.

TREATMENT FOR DRY SKIN ----Wash your face with home made scrubber.

Take one tsp of oatmeal + two tsp of milk. make a paste and rub on your face for 30 seconds and wash off with fresh water. Use daily and feel the difference with in a 15 days.

MOISTURISER FOR DRY SKIN---- Take one cup of rose water + four tsp of glycerin + two tsp of vinegar + one tsp of honey. mix all ingredients and keep it in a jar and use this home made moisturiser.

MASK FOR DRY SKIN---Take half mashed banana ,mix it with half tsp of almond or olive oil.Apply on your face for 20 minutes and wash off with fresh water ,use this mask twice a week.

Tuesday 12 May 2015


Oily skin is a characteristics of dominant of kapha. An easy way to know what type of skin you have ,Take a dry tissue paper early in the morning and wipe your face ,if there is oil on it ,you have a oily skin.Do three steps daily.

Wash your face once in the morning and once before bedtime.
Remove face and eye make up with sunflower oil not essential oil.
Apply fruit mask once or twice a week.

TO CLEANS OILY SKIN----Take one tsp of barley meal and one tsp of fuller's earth(mulltani mitti) mix both in four tsp of water and apply on your face for 15 minutes. fuller's earth absorb all the dirt and oil from the skin.

MASKS-----Take half tsp of lemon zest + half tsp of milk powder. mix both and apply on your face for 10 minutes.

EGG MASK-- Take one egg yolk and half tsp of lemon juice ,allow the mixture to stand for half an hour .The oil from the lemon soak into the egg yolk and make this mask ideal for oily and greasy skin.

Apply papaya mask on face for 15 minutes once in a week. 

Friday 8 May 2015


Essential oils are used in  massage oils ,moisturising oils and herbal bath .Essential oils are minisculer in molecular size ,which are absorbed by the skin. It has high in antibacterial, antifungal properties.These oils also effective for clogs and help to reduce stress. You can use it in your skin care routine.If you want to make your own essential oil ,here is some simple recipe for this formulation.

Take one cup of any fresh herb or flower of your choice          ( rose petals ,basil , sandal , lavender    ect.)Crush in a blander and put in a bottle fill with half  cup of sunflower oil and one tsp of vinegar and place this bottle in sunlight.Shake every day this bottle . After one month strain all the mixture and again mix fresh flower or herb in this oil and place  in sunlight for a week till it smells strongly of the flower or herb then strain and use this oil in your massage cream.

Tuesday 5 May 2015


Skin eats what we feed it .Everyone should nourish their skin internally as well as externally to get a fabulous skin

(1) Drink aloevera juice on  empty stomach to release toxin.

(2) Drink lot's of water 4 to 5 little.

(3) Cleans the face and apply the nourishing oil.

(4) Always massage on wet face , use oil according to your skin type and use a few drops of oil to massage, less oil use for sensitive skin and who have oily  skin ,use chick pea powder with water for massage.

(5) Take a soft hand towel and rub gently on your wet face for 30 seconds .It improves circulation and provide nourishment .

(6) Diet is also main importance ,Avoid too many carbohydrates. Which tend to give the skin a pasty look.

Saturday 2 May 2015


This type of skin needs to be utmost care .This type of skin generally turn to red rather than in the sun ,so you should take precaution's to protect themselves from the eats what we feed it everyone should nourish their skin internally as externally to get a fabulous skin.Always choose very carefully skin products.Avoid make up on your face and you will get a smooth and healthy skin day by day by using these natural home remedies.Before trying any treatment , try patch test first on your wrist.

Take three tsp of milk powder and six tsp of almond powder and one tsp of dry lemon or orange zest.mix all ingredients and store in a pot.Always wash your face with this mixture ,take a one tsp of mixture on your palm and mix  some water and apply on your face and rub gently for a 30 seconds.Wash off  your face with fresh water.After cleansing nourish your skin with this oil once in a  week .
Take one tsp of rose oil and one tsp of sandal oil  +one tsp of almond oil .mix all oil's well and take two drops of this oil and mix in four drops of water and massage all over the face for one minute.

Friday 1 May 2015


All astringents have large amount of alcohol.They dry the skin and leaving it feeling tight.they are suitable for oily skin if your skin is sensitive or dry ,avoid to use of alcohol based astringents.
All natural astringents are easy to use and they minimize your pores and keep your skin smooth and healthy.It restores the skin"s natural P H balance.The main problem is that natural astringents tend to smell quickly ,so use them as soon as possible.The cucumber and mint are well known for their cooling and soothing properties.This is a very heavenly combination for a summer cosmetics, it is cool fresh and tingly even looks refreshing.

Put the cucumber and mint into a blender and strain and use as a astringent. This is as fresh astringent  and they do always freshen the skin.

Wednesday 29 April 2015


Every one wants instant result but every beauty about the skin is connected with our health.The beauty of our skin is main controlling water loss.Diet is also main importance and no skin can't be look good without proper nutrition.Try to avoid too many carbohydrates,which tend to loose skin and pasty look.Every one wants instant result . so before any outing try any one mask according to your skin type . These masks gives instant face lift ,but before applying always try patch test

MASKS FOR INSTANT LIFT---Take one egg full+half tsp of honey .mix well and apply on your face for 15 minutes and wash off with fresh water.

Take two tsp of starch (any) +two tsp of milk. mix both and apply on face for 10 minutes.

Take one egg +half tsp of honey .mix well and apply on your face for 15 minutes.

Take two tsp of pomegranate juice+ one tsp of fuller's earth or kaolin clay. mix both and apply on your face for 10 minutes.

These masks will tightening and smoothing the skin ,so before a party these masks are marvelous.

Monday 27 April 2015


Marks are a marvellous way to pamper yourself .Some act as a quick pick me up.Some have nourishing or cleansing action.They give freshen to the skin and live it soft and glowing ,one important thing while applying mask ,is to relax and allow yourself to lie down and put  cucumber slice on eye pads and relax.

TIGHTENING MASKS----Take one tsp of fuller's earth + half tsp of lemon juice. mix both and apply on face for 15 minutes and wash off with water.

Take two tsp of milk + one tsp of starch (any type) .mix both and apply on face for five minutes.wash off with fresh water.

Take one egg white +half tsp of mint juice +one tsp of fuller"s earth. mix all ingredients and apply on your face for 10 minutes.

Before applying these masks try patch test and apply according to your skin type.

Saturday 25 April 2015


Bleach creams are used all over the world to remove darkness from the face. It has become a fashion. Use of bleach cream is  an artificial method to whiten the skin.It destroy softness of the skin.
All agents which are used   in bleach cream are toxic and have many side effects.These creams can be cause of itching and other skin ailments.Excessively use of bleach cream can cause of stretch marks  on face.So it is advised not to excessive use of bleach cream.It is suggested to use once in a month and always apply moisture after using bleach cream.Here are some natural home remedies to bleach your face naturally. Natural bleach  can take  a one month  for a visible  result.

Take two tsp of fuller"s earth +two tsp of whitchazel powder
   + one tsp of honey +powder of four cloves.
mix all ingredients and apply on face for 20 minutes and wash off your face with fresh water.

Take one tsp of fuller's earth +one tsp of whey powder +one tsp lemon zest +one tsp of clove powder +a pinch of bicarbonate soda +one tsp of honey.mix all ingredients and apply on your face for 20 minutes and wash off with fresh water.
