Sunday 27 September 2015


Massage can help prevent from wrinkles and lines. They can't disappear already,if we massage our self and give our self a facial using the following massage movements.You don't need to head to a professional every time .Massaging your face circulate blood flow.It helps to reduced stress and  increase blood circulation .It helps toning up the muscles and nourishing our skin and bringing the blood to the surface .There are three main movements for facial massage .These technique provide internal as well as external relief and slow down the aging process.There are some movements for massage.
FIRST STEP---Start from the throat apply any herbal oil according to your skin type on wet face and neck by stroking with both hands up to the next to the chin and out to the jaw line .

SECOND STEP--Give stroke and rolling movement from back of your hand ,then give strokes from center of chin to corner of mouth.

THIRD STEP---Give strokes between nose and upper lip.

FOURTH STEP--Give strokes center of cheek bones.

FIFTH STEP---Give strokes at brows .Pinch each brows make the whole arch from inside to out side.At last stimulate by slapping your skin.


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