Friday 15 May 2015


Summer makes your skin dry and itchy.Dry skin is an uncomfortable condition marked by scaling , itching and cracking .Dry skin is a common problem in people with diabetes or skin allergies .You can prevent dry skin by taking these steps.

Drink plenty of water at least five to six glasses in a day.

Bathe with fresh water ,using a soap that has  a high fat content.

After bath apply moisturiser .

Avoid using perfumed products these product can dry the skin.

TREATMENT FOR DRY SKIN ----Wash your face with home made scrubber.

Take one tsp of oatmeal + two tsp of milk. make a paste and rub on your face for 30 seconds and wash off with fresh water. Use daily and feel the difference with in a 15 days.

MOISTURISER FOR DRY SKIN---- Take one cup of rose water + four tsp of glycerin + two tsp of vinegar + one tsp of honey. mix all ingredients and keep it in a jar and use this home made moisturiser.

MASK FOR DRY SKIN---Take half mashed banana ,mix it with half tsp of almond or olive oil.Apply on your face for 20 minutes and wash off with fresh water ,use this mask twice a week.

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