Saturday 23 May 2015


Vitamin E derived from natural vegetable oil is known as D Alpha .It is claimed natural vitamin E has 36% greater potency and it remains in the body for a much longer time and twice as effective as compared to synthetic vitamin E.The vitamin E is as essential nutrient ,which need to our body to be supplied in adequate quantity through the diet and supplements, if you are eating a balanced diet ,however you are probably not required.All foods containing vitamin E ,lose some of during storage and processing. The vitamin E in food is destroyed by oxygen, this is accelerated by heat and light .To get the vitamin E supplied by one 500 IU capsule we'd have to eat 300 tsp of mayonnaise.

Vitamin E is available in leafy vegetables ,corn , soya -bean ,nuts ,wheat and seeds oils.

Deficiency of vitamin E indicate  the risk for certain cancer of lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

BENEFITS OF VITAMIN E----It prevents frequent mis-carriage in women. .

It relief's from hot flushes and depression in menopausal women.

It is essential for function muscles.

It prevents brown pigmentation due to formation of highly unsaturated fatty acids.

It fight against the free redicals.

It helps  to prevent wrinkles .

It slows down the process of atherosclerosis.

It protects the body from harmful tumor promotion chemicals in smoked and cured food.

It decrease the clotting of blood inside blood vessels and beneficial for varicose vains.

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