Tuesday 16 June 2015


Aloe vera have identified many of its active ingredients , which is rich in anti inflammatory substance. Its gel contains  a gummy materiel that act as a healing , that helps to relief pain and reduce swelling. Aloe vera gel is particularly helpful when applied to damaged skin . It helps in healing of sunburn ,minor skin wounds and reducing itching. Its gel also provide an air proof  moisturising barrier ,so that wound do not dry out. Aloe vera increase blood circulation and speeding  the regeneration of skin. Aloe vera make a soothing bath that is especially helpful for sunburn ,add two cup of aloe vera juice in one bucket of water and take bath.
It also used in treating the skin psoriasis , apply aloe vera gel to skin three times a day for one year.

Aloe vera juice that may be taken internally for inflammatory digestive disorder and heat burn .

Other studies are found that aloe vera's effectiveness as a antiviral and immune boosting agent for treatment of diabetes and cancer.

ALOE VERA MASK FOR DRY SKIN-----Take one tsp of aloe vera gel + one tsp of glycerine .mix both and apply on face for 15 minutes and wash off with fresh water.

ALOE VERA MASK FOR OILY SKIN---Take one tsp of aloe vera gel + half tsp of mulltani mitti (fuller's earth) mix both and apply on face for 10 minutes and wash off with fresh water.

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