Wednesday 29 April 2015


Every one wants instant result but every beauty about the skin is connected with our health.The beauty of our skin is main controlling water loss.Diet is also main importance and no skin can't be look good without proper nutrition.Try to avoid too many carbohydrates,which tend to loose skin and pasty look.Every one wants instant result . so before any outing try any one mask according to your skin type . These masks gives instant face lift ,but before applying always try patch test

MASKS FOR INSTANT LIFT---Take one egg full+half tsp of honey .mix well and apply on your face for 15 minutes and wash off with fresh water.

Take two tsp of starch (any) +two tsp of milk. mix both and apply on face for 10 minutes.

Take one egg +half tsp of honey .mix well and apply on your face for 15 minutes.

Take two tsp of pomegranate juice+ one tsp of fuller's earth or kaolin clay. mix both and apply on your face for 10 minutes.

These masks will tightening and smoothing the skin ,so before a party these masks are marvelous.

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