Wednesday 15 April 2015


Massage makes one feel pampered .It is one of the best ways of relieving of tension , the massage that breaks down the here is how to do it yourself to strong abs.The basic movement of self massage are stroking , kneading and pinching. A stomach massage twice a day first thing in the morning and again at bedtime is the easiest and healthiest method for flattening the tummy besides dieting and exercise.Avoid massage during pregnancy or you have heart disease.Massage also balance the element of water and fire and relief from constipation and improved kidney function .

STEP ONE----Stroke the tummy with large circulation movements using the whole hand.

STEP TWO---Using both hands make rotary kneading movement around the lower stomach.

STEP THREE---Squeeze and pinch the fat on the diaphragm using thumb and forefinger.Do these steps daily only for one minute twice in a day.

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