Monday 13 April 2015


An easy way to know what type of skin you have take a dry tissue paper early in the morning and wipe your face, if there is oil on it you have a oily skin. Oily skin is a characteristic of  kapha.Do simple steps routine  twice a day.Once in the morning and once before bedtime.

Remove face and eye make up with baby oil not essential oil.

Apply papaya fruit mask twice a week.

Always wash your face with home made scrubber .
Take a little roughly a tsp of oatmeal in your hand mix with a little water and use the paste to wash with .
Take half tsp of barley meal  + one tsp of rose water .mix both and rub gently on face for two to five minutes.

MASKS FOR OILY SKIN-----Use half a lemon juice +yolk  of an egg . Allow the mixture to stand for above half an hour .The oil from the lemon soak into the egg yolk and make this mask ideal for oily and greasy skins.


Take two tsp of cucumber juice + four tsp of mint juice + a pinch of Alum powder.

Take two tsp of rose water + two tsp of Aloe veera paste or witch hazel. mix well and apply on face for 10 minutes.

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