Wednesday 22 April 2015


The combination of  breathing and stretching is very effective for weight reduction.Breathing supply oxygen to all parts of our body.Mostly people breathe very shallowly ,which generate all types of health problem. This breathing technique strengthen the abdominal muscles and massage the stomach organs.This breathing technique  is differ from (Anulom  Vilom pranayama. which is nostri breathing.) which reduce stress in body.Mostly people use only thirty percent of their lungs capecity for breathing from the top of their lungs.To check your breathing technique put your hand on your abdominal ,now breathe through  your nose and exhale through your mouth.when you inhale your hand must be rise. when you exhale your hand must be go down on your stomach.This is the technique when you breathe from your diaphragm.

BREATHING TECHNIQUE----Stand on your feet and pretend yourself you are getting to sit down on a chair and put your hand on your knees.

Open your mouth and blow out all the air from your lungs and quickly inhale air through  your nose and exhale all the air .forcefully from your mouth and  hold your breath for  ten seconds.
Release and do again for five to ten times in a day.

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