Saturday 19 December 2015


Oatmeal works as a natural exponential to get rid of accumulated  dead skin and dirt .It absorb excess oil from the skin .Oatmeal has anti inflammatory as well as anti irritating properties  which help to cure itching and redness from the skin.It healer for dry and rough hands .It helps soften and moisturize your skin .

TREATMENT FOR ECZEMA-- Take two tsp of grounded oatmeal powder +half tsp honey +half  tsp lemon juice +two drops tea tree oil .Mix all ingredients well and rub gently on the affected area in a circulation motion and leave it for 20 minutes and wash off with water .
TREATMENT FOR SUN -TAN---Take one tsp grounded oatmeal powder +half tsp honey +one tsp curd .

Mix  all ingredients and apply on affected area and leave it for half an hour and wash off with fresh water.

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