Sunday 12 July 2015


The health of our hair requires a plenty supply of nutrient .Our hair average grows about one centimetre a month ,Problem can arise when hair become dry or brittle or becomes flecked with dandruff . Hair is a fast growing tissue .

WHAT IS THE CAUSES OF IT---Some conditions may also be caused by nutritional deficiencies ,stress ,poor diet and hormonal changes or genetic .We need a mixture of protein ,complex carbohydrates and vitamins .Protein has amino acids which is essential for the building of hair cells ,inadequate protein intake can cause hair loss.Carbohydrates help in the growth of hair ,good source of carbohydrates are whole wheat ,oats ,bajra,brown rice.
Lack of vitamin A can result in a flaky scalp, but too much vitamin A over a long period can cause hair loss.
Thinning hair may be a sign that your (GI) tract is not absorbing zinc and other nutrients properly ,taking one or two pills of zinc twice a day may improve your GI function and boost your body ability to absorb important hair nourishing substance from the food we eat.Taking biotin and vitamin B is good for our hair ,taking food which are rich in vitamin B  and zinc ,promote healthy hair growth and slow hair loss,because it can boost thyroid function.

Zinc may be beneficial for people who have brittle or thinning hair as a result of an under active thyroid.
Para aminobenzoic acid may protect hair follicles and prevent hair loss.It is recommended for restoring grey hair to its natural colour,but it works only if you have deficiency of PABA or vitamin B .Take one tsp of flax seed after breakfast for healthy hair.

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