Wednesday 25 November 2015


 This type of skin needs to be utmost care .Choose very carefully skin products .Avoid make up on your face .Always use natural home products to get a smooth and healthy skin, Using day by day these home remedies your face will refreshed and nourished.

HOME MADE SCRUBBER FOR SENSITIVE SKIN---Take one tsp of almond powder +half tsp of lemon zest+half tsp of dry milk powder.mix all of them and store in a pot.Take one tsp of mixture mix in a water and apply on face and rub gently for about 30  seconds  and wash off with fresh water.

 HOW TO NOURISH SENSITIVE SKIN---Take one tsp of rose oil +one tsp of sandalwood oil + one tsp  of  almond oil . Mix all  oils well and after cleansing when  your face is wet
take two drops of oil in four drops of water  and massage  on all  over face for one minute.

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