Wednesday 28 December 2016


During winter all types of skin needs extra care ,during winter our skin tends to get dry due to cold wind.
Dry skin leads to the irritation and chapped skin .
Do not rub soap on your skin.Skin gets dry and flaky,winter brings excessive dryness to the skin .
Do not take very hot water bath .
Always wash your face with home made scrubber like -oatmeal +milk ,mix both ingredients well and rub gently on your face and neck for few minutes and wash off with fresh water.
 Mask for winter for all skin type--Mash a banana +two drops almond oil,mix both well and apply on face and neck for 20 minuter and then wash off with fresh water.Use it twice a week .

Saturday 17 December 2016


Everyone wants a beautiful and flawless skin that will glow all day .Everyone must know how we should take care of our skin .Blemishes and pigmentation have always been a problem for many people .Every one wants removed in an effective manner without damage the layer of skin. There are many products in the market for lighten Blemishes and pigmentation .while this may be true ,these products are either too expensive or have some hidden side effects ,which may damage the outer layer of the skin .Blemishes is characterized by a darkening of an area of skin caused by the overproduction of pigment in the skin known as melanin.It could be caused due to genetic ,sun exposure ,stress ,hormones in balance ect.Here are some simple home remedies for lighten blemishes and pigmentation.

(1) Take one tsp dried seaweed (kelp) +one tsp curd ,Mix both ingredients well and apply on blemishes for 15 minutes .Do daily  5to ten days.Dried seaweed ,which is rich in mineral salt and iodine, It has healing properties and your skin will be clear up and blemish free.

(2)Take one tsp fuller's earth (multani mitti) +one tsp radish juice .mix both ingredients well and apply on blemishes for few days .

(3) papaya and banana contain the enzymes pa pain that helps to minimize the blemishes.Take a papaya or banana peel and rub it on the affected area for a few  minutes until the inside of  the peel turn brown and leave it for about 30minutes and wash it off with fresh water.

Wednesday 14 September 2016


   Aspirin is one of those thing that everyone should have lying around the house .Mostly people know that it is used  long term as a heart attack preventative . Here i am giving you some wonderful things that aspirin can do for your skin and hair. Aspirin contains salicylates ,which is active ingredients in dandruff shampoos .

ASPIRIN FIGHT DANDRUFF --The salicylic acid in aspirin help to make hair shinier .The salicylic acid in aspirin works to dissolve dead skin cells . Take some crushed aspirin pills and put into your shampoo .The salicylic acid in aspirin is a strong moisturizing agent which can really help to reduce dandruff from your hair.Try this and you will be amazed by the results.

ASPIRIN FOR SKIN TREATMENT ---Salicylic acid also works wonders for the skin ,helps in removing dead skin and oils,which unclogging pores and reducing redness .It also help to cure acne .Take 3 to 4 crushed aspirin pills and mix it into one tsp water and one tsp honey ,mix all well and apply on acne for 10 minutes .Repeat daily as needed.

Thursday 8 September 2016


Women are always wanted fairer and smooth skin tone .Skin pigmentation and discolored skin demean your self esteem .Everyone need to pay attention to your skin .Everyone wants a beautiful and healthy skin that will glow all the day.Everyone must know how we should take care of our skin so that it remains fresh ,clean and healthy .

Yogurt contains lectic acid which has bleaching properties .Gently rub yogurt onto your skin and leave it on skin for 5 minutes and wash off your skin with plain water .Do this once daily for few weeks for a significant change in your complexion .

Take half chilled lemon and half tsp of honey on it and rub this lemon on your skin for few minutes and leave it on your skin for 5 to 10 minutes and then wash off with fresh water.It give you a fairer and even skin tone .

Tuesday 6 September 2016


A healthy skin is smooth ,supple ,soft and lustrous.Our skin needs lots of vitamins to get young and radiant skin.Vitamin A improve the blood circulation but lack of vit A our skin looks very dry and scaliness .

NATURAL REMEDIES FOR DRY SKIN --(1) Drink plenty of water throughout the day to increase moisture in dry skin .

(2) Do not use bath oils to avoid dry skin ,apply bath oils after a bath ,when skin is still damp .

(3) Eat food which are rich in protein ,high in sulfur and vit. A and C .

SKIN TONER FOR DRY SKIN --Take one tsp carom seeds and soak it into hot water for 20 minutes and then strain this water and wash your face from this water.This is very good for dry skin .

MASK FOR DRY SKIN--Take one tsp gram flour+one tsp yogurt +half tsp almond oil. Mix all ingredients well and apply on face for 20 minutes and then wash off with fresh water.

NATURAL MOISTURIZER FOR DRY SKIN--Take one tsp honey +one tsp coconut oil .Mix both well and massage gently in a circulation  motion.

Friday 26 August 2016


Our skin has tiny pores which connected few  to oil glands .These glands produce an oily liquid .The sebum carries dead skin cells through the follicles to the surface of the skin.Pimple grow when these follicles get blocked.The risk of developing pimples is increased by diet high in diary products and hypoglycemic food .

TREATMENT FOR PIMPLES ---Wash your face about twice each day and use mild soap .Do not use scrubber on your face ,only use make up that is non acne genic ,if you have an existing skin problem  to detoxify   the body internally before to try any treatment .

Take 4to 5 crushed nutmeg powder
+ one tsp raw milk ,mix both ingredients well and apply on pimples for 20 minutes and then wash off with fresh water. Repeat daily for few days.

Vick's  vap rub is an effective treatment for pimples.Its ingredients camphor and eucalyptus oil will help  to dry out the pimple .Apply a little vick's on pimple for few days.

Tuesday 9 August 2016


Skin eats whatever we feed it .Our skin is a waterproof wrapping which does many functions.Our skin have some self cleaning and self lubricating extent .The glands ,which produce oil keep the skin supple and sometimes under produce give us dry skin.This is why we all need a little extra care for our skin.

(1)Do wash your face twice a day with a with a luke warm water or milk according to your skin type .

(2) Always moisturize your skin with essential oil .

(3) Do facial exercise .

(4) Always massage oil on wet skin and not use strong scrubber to avoid stretching .

(5)Do not use chemical make up remover ,use vegetable oil to remove make up.

FOR DRY SKIN--Use sesame oil
FOR SENSITIVE SKIN AND OILY SKIN --Use sunflower oil .Put some drops of oil on cotton ball and wipe gently .

(6)Always massage around eyes in a circulation motion from out side corner of eye to the inside .

(7) Apply fruit mask once in a week according to your skin type.
DRY SKIN --Apply banana mask

SENSITIVE SKIN -Pineapple mask

OILY SKIN---Apply papaya mask

Sunday 7 August 2016


Rice powder that is used make so many dishes,but it can also be used to make face masks.Which will lighten the skin complexion making the skin fair.It can also be used for body scrubber or use that as the home made ubtan.It gives a glow on the face and increases the cell renewal rate.Rice flour mask helps to remove sun tan ,hyper pigmentation and age spot,so here are some rice powder beauty tips.

Take one tsp rice powder + half oats +honey.Mix all ingredients .Rub gently on your face for few minutes and then wash off with fresh water.This scrubber is good for dry skin.

(2) --Take one tsp rice powder +half tsp multani mitti (fuller's earth)+tomato pulp and mix all ingredients and apply on the face .Try this every other day for clear spotless skin.It is also good for skin whitening.

(3)--Take one tsp rice flour +half tsp grated cucumber +few drops of lemon juice .Mix all well and apply on face for 10 minutes.It act as anti tan pack.

(4)--One tsp rice flour +one tsp green tea water+half tsp honey .Mix all well and apply on face for 15 minutes and then wash off with fresh water.It gives you a fairer and even skin tone.
Rice powder is a great ingredients to exfoliate the skin.


Sunday 31 July 2016


Besides cooking tomato can be used to enhance your beauty.Daily use of tomato products will give you a healthy and beautiful skin .Apply tomato on the skin revives the glow to the skin.It contains high amount of vit C which is known to brighten skin.Tomato seed oil is also used for the treatment of skin problem like eczema .It is also helpful in treating dry skin.It absorb oxygen and prevent the sign of aging.It provides an amazing natural skin treatment .It contains an antioxidant which act as a natural sunscreen .It has natural astringent and bleaching properties ,it removes dead skin cells.

(1)--Take half tomato and sprinkle some sugar on it and rub gently on your skin in circulation motion for few minutes and wash off with fresh water .It will remove dead skin cells.Do twice a week to get glowing skin.

(2) Tomatoes are best for oily skin.Rub tomato slice on the skin till the juice absorb in the skin.Rinse off after 10 minutes.

(3) Apply tomato pulp and massage your skin with it and leave on face for 10 minutes .It will improve complexion if done every day.

(4) Take one tsp tomato pulp +half tsp lemon juice .Mix both juices well and apply on your scars for 15 minutes .Rinse off after 15 minutes with fresh water .It will lighten your scars if done daily for few days.

Friday 29 July 2016


Onion and onion juice can help you regrow your hair.It has antiseptic and antibacterial properties.Onion and onion juice can help you re-grow your hair .Onion juice helps treat hair loss due to its high sulfur content,which help improve blood circulation to hair follicles.It juice help to treat scalp infections that can cause hair loss.Onion juice is rich in vit C, B and folic acid and also has supply of calcium ,magnesium ,iron .Onion contain sulfur which is one of the essential nutrients in promoting hair growth .Applying onion juice twice a week for a month can stimulate hair growth.

TREATMENT--Take two chopped onion into small pieces and put them into your shampoo and let it stands for 15 days and use the shampoo after 15 days as usual .It helps to re-growth hair but also makes your hair shining .
Take two tsp onion seed and put into two cup of coconut oil
and boil on low flame for 15 minutes,filter and massage from this oil on your scalp and leave it at last 30 minutes.Follow this hair loss treatment daily for few months.

Thursday 21 July 2016


Coconut oil is fabulous for the skin.Coconut oil is not just for cooking it is also a beauty multitasker   that  you can use to hydrate your skin and frizzy hair.Coconut oil has strong healing ,moisturizing and antibacterial qualities that beneficially affect the skin while nourishing.It can also be used to remove make up .Here are few beauty tips which can incorporate with coconut oil into your beauty routine .
(1) COCONUT OIL FOR ACNE---Take few drops of coconut oil and and mix a pinch of baking soda and apply on acne and leave it for 20 minutes and wash off.

(2) MOISTURIZER FOR DRY SKIN--Take one tsp coconut oil +one tsp honey,mix both ingredients well and apply on face and massage gently in a circular motion .

(3)SCRUBBER FOR DRY SKIN---Take one tsp coconut oil +one tsp sugar and rub gently on your face for few minutes .It is a great exfoliator scrubber for dry skin.

Friday 8 July 2016


Our skin consists of layers,sometimes our skin produce giving us greasy skin during in the monsoon you need to pay attention to your skin as it can react to humidity and dampness.This leads to skin dryness ,oily skin ,unnecessary pimple growth.Everyone wants a beautiful and healthy skin that will glow all day.Every one must know how we should take care of our skin so that it remains fresh clear and healthy.Here i suggest some best home made mask for rainy season ,these masks protect you from infections .

(1) Sandal is an excellent source for curing skin problem, It is suitable for all skin type.Make a mixture of one tsp sandal powder +one tsp of rose water.Mix both ingredients well and apply on skin for 10 minutes and wash off with fresh water.
(2)GREEN TEA--Green tea is antioxidant ,it helps to reduce the inflammation and redness .Take used green tea bag and transfer it in a bowl ,mix one tsp curd in green tea and mix well and apply on face for 10 minutes.
These masks will purge impurities and soothing to your skin.

Wednesday 11 May 2016


(1)Sleep on your back lying on your stomach or on the same side every night can catch permanent lines into your skin .Switch to a satin pillow case to prevent wrinkles.

(2) Raise your head stack a few pillows beneath your head to avoid puffy eyes if you keep your head above your heart,fluid won't accumulate in   your face.

(3)Use humidifier ,especially in winter,when room heater are on ,suck moisture from skin, A humidifier puts water in the air for soft and supple skin..

Tuesday 10 May 2016


Dark skin and brown spots have always been a problem for many people .These spots are anesthetic and can really damage one's self esteem.Every one wants removed in an effective manner without damaging the layer of skin.There are many products in the market for lighten scars or while this may be true but these products are either too expensive or have some hidden side effects,which may damage the outer layer of the skin .The dark skin and brown spots of the skin could be due to many reason ,it can be caused due to genetic ,sun exposure ,stress ,hormones in balance ect .

Here are simple natural home remedies to treat dark and brown spots

(1) Dried sea weed ,which is rich in mineral salt and iodine.It has healing properties .Take half tsp kelp

(sea weed) samundari salt +one tsp curd .Mix both ingredients well and apply on spots for 15 minutes and then wash off with fresh water.

(2)Take one tsp radish juice +half tsp fuller's earth (mulltani mitti) .Mix both well and apply on face for 15 minutes.
(3)Mix tomato juice +lemon juice and apply on face with a cotton ball and leave it for 10 minutes.Do twice a week.These remedies will help to clear and rejuvenated the skin.

Friday 29 April 2016


Melanin is the brown pigment that causes tanning.UVA radiation is what makes people tan.All of  have melanin  that gives our skin the color.The human body creates melanin for protecting the skin's deeper  layers from damage.When you have been exposed to the sun's harmful UV rays for long time.Your skin will make more melanin to prevent any damage.Those who are dark skinned will turn brown ,and those who are light skinned will turn red ,so everyone should take precautions and change your lifestyle to avoid sun tan . .

Here are simple and quick natural home remedies to treat sun tan-

(1) Take two tsp of cold thick butter milk and apply on face ,neck and back and lie down for 10 minutes.Wash off with fresh water.Do daily for a week .

(2)Take two tsp chilled crushed cucumber and apply on face for 10 minutes and lie down and wash off with fresh water.

(3) Take one tsp aloe vera paste +half tsp sandal powder+half tsp rose water .Mix all ingredients well and apply on face and neck for 15 minutes.

(4) You can rub a slice of tomato directly on your skin to  De tan.

(5)Saffron is a common ingredients for skin brightening and whitening.Make a mixture of two tsp of raw milk and a few saffron and apply on face for 10 minutes and wash off with fresh water.


Friday 15 April 2016


The average person has 100,000 hair on the scalp.The factor which affect our hair loss are hormones ,climate improper diet .Hair is a fast  growing tissue and baldness may be sign that your  (GI) tract is not absorbing zinc and other nutrients properly and if you are taking too much vitamin A can cause of hair loss and you must consult your doctor if you notice hair loss after taking supplements.

TREATMENT FOR BALDNESS---(1)-Take 250 gm of onion seeds and 500gm coconut oil .Mix both ingredients and boil both on medium heat for 15 minutes or until they are thoroughly mixed.Do regular massage with this oil for few weeks .
(2) Take one tsp caster oil +one egg yolk +one tsp honey .Mix all ingredients and make a smooth paste and massage in to roots then use rest of hair.
(3)Make a paste of two onion and  one tsp of honey ,mix both ingredients and massage in to  roots to rest

 of hair and leave it for  30 to 40 minutes and wash off with shampoo.

(4)Take  two tsp
of grounded mulethi(liquorice )+ two tsp milk cream along with 1/4 tsp saffron +two tsp coconut oil .Mix all ingredients  and apply on scalp for 30 minutes and rinse off with shampoo.

Saturday 19 March 2016


Gooseberries is well known for natural hair care .It has high vitamin C which gives your hair luster and softness .Its essential fatty acids keep the hair strong and nourish .Gooseberry is well known for hair conditioner and its has anti dandruff properties .Gooseberry is a natural ingredients that can reduce hair fall , even its cooling properties used in treating skin problems like acne and fine lines .

Make a smooth paste of gooseberry with some water and keep it overnight in iron pot and next day apply this  mixture on to your scalp for half an hour and rinse off with fresh water .This remedy will turn grey hair to black .Take two tsp of gooseberry (Amla) powder for hair growth .
Make a paste of gooseberry powder with two tsp of lemon juice and apply on hair to turn grey hair to black .Massage your scalp with gooseberry oil once in a week .
HOW TO MAKE GOOSEBERRY OIL AT HOME ---Take 500gm of coconut oil +100 gm of gooseberry powder and boil both on medium heat until they are thoroughly mixed.Do massage with this oil twice a week.

Friday 11 March 2016


Potatoes have an incredibly high content of vitamin C,which  is used to maintain that youthful and toned skin  .It has high water content that keeps skin feeling and looking hydrated .It helps to smooth fine lines ,dark spots .
Place potato slice under your dark circle for 10 minutes  .Its catalyses enzymes helps to reduce dark circle .
Take a chilled potato slice and rub gently on your face for few seconds and leave it on skin for 10 minutes and wash off your face with fresh water.It has natural bleach properties which will lightly the skin.

POTATO FACE MASK --Take one tsp grated raw potato +one tsp grated cucumber +one tsp curd +1/4 tsp baking soda +half tsp fuller's earth and mix all ingredients and apply on face for 10 minutes.This mask will lighten the all dark spots and make your skin smooth and  flawless .
Potato juice is also very useful in hair growth and can be use as a dye colour .Boil some  potato peel for 10 minutes and leave it for cool down and then apply on your grey hair to turn brown hair.

Saturday 5 March 2016


Aloe vera is amazing for hair care.Aloe vera contains proteolytic enzymes which repairs dead cells on the scalp.It also act as a great conditioner and leave your hair smooth .It helps to remove dandruff ,fungus and dead cells .Aloe vera contains enzymes that promote healthy hair growth.Its alkalizing properties help to bring the scalp to balance PH level .Daily use of aloe vera paste relieve scalp itching ,reduce scalp redness and inflammation .

TREATMENT FOR HAIR CARE --Take one tsp of aloe vera juice on an empty stomach to get hair growth.

(2) Mix half lemon juice in two tsp of aloe vera paste and apply it to your hair all over your scalp and leave it to your hair for about 15 minutes.This is very effective treatment for smoothing hair.

(3)Take two tsp aloe vera paste or juice and mix it in one tsp of olive oil .Apply this mixture onto your scalp for 30 minutes and wash off with shampoo.It will give a luster to your hair.

Tuesday 1 March 2016


Mask are a marvelous way to pamper yourself .There are many different types of mask ,some act as quick pick me up,some have nourishing ,healing or cleansing action .Some mask have an astringent action temporarily remove wrinkles.It doesn't means they miracle on your face .They give freshen to the skin and live it soft and glowing .

CARROT FACE MASK--Take two tsp of grated carrot +four drops any essential oil +half tsp fuller's earth (mulltani mitti)+two tsp rose water or milk.Mix all ingredients and apply on your face and lie down for 15 minutes and put cucumber eye pads and relax.It gives you a fairer and even skin tone.Repeat this mask twice a week.Carrot has anti aging properties.It keeps your skin hydrated.It repairs the damaged part of your skin and it helps the regenerate of new cells .

Thursday 25 February 2016


Besides cooking tomato can be used to enhance your beauty.Apply tomato pulp on skin will give you a healthy and beautiful skin . It revives the glow to the skin .It contains high amount of vitamin C which is known to brighten skin.It has high water content and it hydrate the skin and it has high amount of vitamin A which helps to grow new and flawless skin.Tomato seed oil is also used for the treatment of skin problem like eczema .It is also helpful in treating dry skin .It absorb oxygen and prevent the sign of aging.It contains an antioxidant which act as a natural sunscreen .

It has natural astringent and bleaching  properties which helps to brighten complexion and remove dead cells.

Take half tomato and sprinkle some sugar on it and rub gently on face for few seconds and leave it on face for 10 minutes and wash off with fresh water.It will help to remove dead cell and brighten complexion.

MASK FOR DRY SKIN- Take one tsp tomato pulp +half tsp honey .Mix both ingredients and apply on face for 10 minutes and wash off with fresh water.It will make your skin fair and smooth.
MASK FOR OILY SKIN - Take one tsp tomato pulp + half tsp fuller's earth (mulltani mitti) .Mix both well and apply on face for 10 minutes and wash off with fresh water.


Saturday 20 February 2016


Eating a diet rich in protein and vitamins and minerals for healthy hair growth.Take foods which are high in vitamins A,B,C,E,Iron ,zinc and copper. Do massage  with luke warm oil to your hair twice a week.

TREATMENT---Make a mixture of two tsp of olive oil +two tsp of aloe vera paste .Apply this mixture onto your scalp and leave it for40 minutes.Aloe vera contains enzymes that promote healthy hair growth.It's alkalizing properties help to bring the scalp to balance PH level.Daily use of aloe vera paste relieve scalp
itching and reduce scalp inflammation. Take one tsp aloe vera juice on an empty stomach to get hair growth.

Wednesday 17 February 2016


Double chin reveals your age .Every person past the age of thirty plus is starting to worry about a double chin.There is usually not a lot of fat under there ,it is just gravity and sagging skin and another cause may be weak thyroid ,So if you want to get rid of double chin ,so try these exercise and face mask .

EXERCISE FOR DOUBLE CHIN --Standing straight and put your bottom teeth over your top teeth and then assume to kiss the ceiling fan and you should feel a stretch from the tip of your chin .Do this five to eight times and don't close your mouth during this exercise .

MASK FOR DOUBLE CHIN--Take one tsp glycerin +one tsp epsom salt+few drops of peppermint oil,mix all ingredients and apply on the neck and chin area for 20 minutes.Wash off with fresh water.Do it twice a week .

Saturday 13 February 2016


Scrubbers are a marvelous way yo pamper yourself.There are different types of scrubber,some have cleansing and nourishing action .They give freshen to the skin and live it soft and glowing .

HOW TO MAKE BODY SCRUBBER --Take half cup sea salt +half cup olive oil or  sesame oil,mix both and rub gently over body .This is very effective body scrubber specially for winter .This helps to get rid of dead cells.This scrubber is much cheaper than bought by store .

Thursday 11 February 2016


Everyone wants a beautiful and healthy skin that will look young and glow all the day .Every one must know how we should take care of our skin so that it remains fresh ,clear ,healthy and young .You don't need to apply chemical products which have many side effects ,if you treat yourself and give yourself a care by using the following exercise ,you will get a fabulous result.

There is no need of aging and no pricey packages.Follow these simple facial exercise .
Firstly make an O shape like hide the teeth with the lips and hold this position for 10 seconds.Do this for three times.

(2) Smile widely while keeping the teeth hidden and hold this position for five seconds .Do four times.

(3) Raise your eyebrows as high as you can and hold them for 10 seconds and do this exercise for five times.

(4)Open your mouth as you wide as possible and stick your tongue out as far as you can and hold this position for five seconds and do this exercise for three times .

Saturday 6 February 2016


 The dark complexion of the skin could be due to many reasons.Every one wants fair and glowing skin without damaging the layer of skin.There are many products in the market for improving complexion but these products have some hidden side effects .Which may damage the outer layer of skin .Here i give some best home remedies for improving complexion.

(1)Soak one tsp of sunflower seeds in two tsp of raw milk and a pinch of saffron and grind all .Apply on face for 10 minutes and use it daily for few weeks for fairer complexion.

(2)Take one tsp barley flour +half tsp almond powder +two tsp carrot juice .Mix all ingredients and apply on face for 15 minutes .

(3)Drink spinach juice daily for two months to improve complexion.

(4)Soak up few almonds in raw milk for one hour and grind them and apply on face for 15 minutes.This pack will help to keep skin fairer.
(5) Drink 7 to 8 glasses of water and eat walnut on empty stomach for clear skin
and improving complexion.

Saturday 30 January 2016


Our skin eats whatever we feed it Our skin is a water proof wrapping which does many functions.The glands which produce oil keep the skin supple and during winter it give us dry skin. This is why we all need extra care for our skin.To look always fresh use homemade beauty products.

(1) Always moisturize  your skin with essential oils.
(2)Use sesame oil for face massage and massage on wet face for five minutes.

FACE MASK--(1) Take two  tsp crushed rose petals and mix in one tsp of fresh raw milk .Apply on face for 10 minutes.wash off with fresh water.

(2) Take one egg yolk +half tsp olive oil +half tsp honey.Mix all ingredients and apply on face for 10 minutes.Rinse with water.
(3) Take one piece bread +half tsp milk +1/4 tsp honey. Mix all and apply on face for 10 minutes.
(4) One tsp aloe vera paste and one vitamin E capsule,mix both well and apply on face for  five minutes.

Friday 22 January 2016


When the skin produce excess oil it result in pimples ,after that pimple is gone it leave you with a pimple scars.Pimple are skin inflammations of the skin .They are oil glands which are infected with bacteria of the skin even vitamin D deficiency may be cause of pimples scars .Pimples scars are most often the product of an inflamed lesion such as a cyst inflamed blemishes occur  when the pore becomes engorged with excess oil and dead skin cells.Stay away from cosmetic and heavy moisturizer.

TREATMENT FOR SCARS ---(1) Take half tsp of grounded black til (black sesame) +half tsp yellow mustard +one tsp rose  water .Mix all ingredients and apply on face for 20 minutes .Wash gently with fresh water..

(2) -- Take handful of coriander leaves +half  handful of mint leave .Grind both with some rose water and apply on face for 20 minutes .wash your face with fresh water.

(3) --Take half tsp coconut oil +half tsp lemon juice +half tsp sandalwood powder+ two pc camphor .Mix all ingredients well  and apply on face for 15 minutes and wash your face with fresh water .

(4) Use essential oil like tea tree,avocado oil.Take few drops of oil on cotton ball and pat gently on your skin  and leave for 15 minutes .

Friday 15 January 2016


Skin eats whatever we feed it .Our skin is a water proof wrapping which does many functions .Our skin have some self cleaning and self lubricating extent .The glands which produce oil keep the skin supple and some times under produce give us dry skin.This is why we all need a extra care for our skin .

Do wash your face twice a day with a lukewarm milk or water .

Always moisturize your skin with essential oils .

Do facial facial exercise daily .

Always massage on wet face and do not use strong scrubber to avoid stretching .

Do not use chemical make up remover ,use vegetable oil to remove make up .

FOR DRY SKIN -- Use sesame oil

FOR SENSITIVE SKIN AND OILY SKIN --Use sunflower oil.Put some drops of oil on cotton ball and wipe gently make up.
Always massage around eyes in a circular direction from outside corner of eye to the inside .

Apply fruit mask once in a week according to your skin type .

FOR DRY SKIN--Apply banana pulp mask .

FOR SENSITIVE SKIN--Apply pineapple pulp mask.

FOR OILY SKIN--Apply papaya pulp mask.
Apply fruit pulp mask to face and neck and leave it for 10 minutes .Rinse with fresh water.

Saturday 9 January 2016


Basically skin tonics freshen the skin ,but they also cleaning process by removing all dust but mostly toner contain large amount of alcohol , They dry the skin.They are suitable for oily skin.

Toning means give your face a treatment with a brisk slapping movement .Toning like this stimulates the blood supply to the skin .

HOW TO MAKE SKIN TONER AT HOME --Take one little of hot purified water +two cup of rose petals or witch  hazel .Pour the boiling water over the herbs and cover it for one hour ,after  one hour strain the mixture and use as toner .You can make any type of toner  according to your skin type  . Take a few amount of toner upon your hand and apply on face with a brisk slapping movement  for 30 seconds.It will stimulates the blood supply to the skin and your skin will be smooth and lustrous.

Thursday 7 January 2016


The average has 100,000 hair on the scalp.The factor which affect our hair baldness and hair loss are hormones ,genetic ,climate and improper diet .There are several causes of baldness and hair fall ,if you are overworked or tense your hair will instantly reflect it tension in the hair loss .All dyes contain chemical which harms the hair in the long run .Hair is fed by the blood flowing to the follicle,so we should take good diet for good circulation to healthy hair.

TREATMENT FOR BALDNESS AND HAIR FALL --Weekly scalp massage is the most beneficial treatment for good hair .Do regular massage with castor oil to control hair fall and baldness .

MASK FOR BALDNESS AND HAIR FALL--Take one cup of onion paste +two tsp honey .Mix both ingredients and massage your scalp with this mixture and cover your hair with a cap .Wash off after 40 minutes.Do this treatment daily for a few months .

 (2)   Make a mixture of one egg yolk +one tsp of honey +one tsp of castor oil .Massage your scalp with this mixture from roots to the rest of hair and leave it for 30 minutes.Rinse your hair with shampoo.