Friday 8 July 2016


Our skin consists of layers,sometimes our skin produce giving us greasy skin during in the monsoon you need to pay attention to your skin as it can react to humidity and dampness.This leads to skin dryness ,oily skin ,unnecessary pimple growth.Everyone wants a beautiful and healthy skin that will glow all day.Every one must know how we should take care of our skin so that it remains fresh clear and healthy.Here i suggest some best home made mask for rainy season ,these masks protect you from infections .

(1) Sandal is an excellent source for curing skin problem, It is suitable for all skin type.Make a mixture of one tsp sandal powder +one tsp of rose water.Mix both ingredients well and apply on skin for 10 minutes and wash off with fresh water.
(2)GREEN TEA--Green tea is antioxidant ,it helps to reduce the inflammation and redness .Take used green tea bag and transfer it in a bowl ,mix one tsp curd in green tea and mix well and apply on face for 10 minutes.
These masks will purge impurities and soothing to your skin.

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