Friday 29 July 2016


Onion and onion juice can help you regrow your hair.It has antiseptic and antibacterial properties.Onion and onion juice can help you re-grow your hair .Onion juice helps treat hair loss due to its high sulfur content,which help improve blood circulation to hair follicles.It juice help to treat scalp infections that can cause hair loss.Onion juice is rich in vit C, B and folic acid and also has supply of calcium ,magnesium ,iron .Onion contain sulfur which is one of the essential nutrients in promoting hair growth .Applying onion juice twice a week for a month can stimulate hair growth.

TREATMENT--Take two chopped onion into small pieces and put them into your shampoo and let it stands for 15 days and use the shampoo after 15 days as usual .It helps to re-growth hair but also makes your hair shining .
Take two tsp onion seed and put into two cup of coconut oil
and boil on low flame for 15 minutes,filter and massage from this oil on your scalp and leave it at last 30 minutes.Follow this hair loss treatment daily for few months.

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