Saturday 6 February 2016


 The dark complexion of the skin could be due to many reasons.Every one wants fair and glowing skin without damaging the layer of skin.There are many products in the market for improving complexion but these products have some hidden side effects .Which may damage the outer layer of skin .Here i give some best home remedies for improving complexion.

(1)Soak one tsp of sunflower seeds in two tsp of raw milk and a pinch of saffron and grind all .Apply on face for 10 minutes and use it daily for few weeks for fairer complexion.

(2)Take one tsp barley flour +half tsp almond powder +two tsp carrot juice .Mix all ingredients and apply on face for 15 minutes .

(3)Drink spinach juice daily for two months to improve complexion.

(4)Soak up few almonds in raw milk for one hour and grind them and apply on face for 15 minutes.This pack will help to keep skin fairer.
(5) Drink 7 to 8 glasses of water and eat walnut on empty stomach for clear skin
and improving complexion.

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