Wednesday 17 February 2016


Double chin reveals your age .Every person past the age of thirty plus is starting to worry about a double chin.There is usually not a lot of fat under there ,it is just gravity and sagging skin and another cause may be weak thyroid ,So if you want to get rid of double chin ,so try these exercise and face mask .

EXERCISE FOR DOUBLE CHIN --Standing straight and put your bottom teeth over your top teeth and then assume to kiss the ceiling fan and you should feel a stretch from the tip of your chin .Do this five to eight times and don't close your mouth during this exercise .

MASK FOR DOUBLE CHIN--Take one tsp glycerin +one tsp epsom salt+few drops of peppermint oil,mix all ingredients and apply on the neck and chin area for 20 minutes.Wash off with fresh water.Do it twice a week .

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