Thursday 7 January 2016


The average has 100,000 hair on the scalp.The factor which affect our hair baldness and hair loss are hormones ,genetic ,climate and improper diet .There are several causes of baldness and hair fall ,if you are overworked or tense your hair will instantly reflect it tension in the hair loss .All dyes contain chemical which harms the hair in the long run .Hair is fed by the blood flowing to the follicle,so we should take good diet for good circulation to healthy hair.

TREATMENT FOR BALDNESS AND HAIR FALL --Weekly scalp massage is the most beneficial treatment for good hair .Do regular massage with castor oil to control hair fall and baldness .

MASK FOR BALDNESS AND HAIR FALL--Take one cup of onion paste +two tsp honey .Mix both ingredients and massage your scalp with this mixture and cover your hair with a cap .Wash off after 40 minutes.Do this treatment daily for a few months .

 (2)   Make a mixture of one egg yolk +one tsp of honey +one tsp of castor oil .Massage your scalp with this mixture from roots to the rest of hair and leave it for 30 minutes.Rinse your hair with shampoo.

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