Friday 11 March 2016


Potatoes have an incredibly high content of vitamin C,which  is used to maintain that youthful and toned skin  .It has high water content that keeps skin feeling and looking hydrated .It helps to smooth fine lines ,dark spots .
Place potato slice under your dark circle for 10 minutes  .Its catalyses enzymes helps to reduce dark circle .
Take a chilled potato slice and rub gently on your face for few seconds and leave it on skin for 10 minutes and wash off your face with fresh water.It has natural bleach properties which will lightly the skin.

POTATO FACE MASK --Take one tsp grated raw potato +one tsp grated cucumber +one tsp curd +1/4 tsp baking soda +half tsp fuller's earth and mix all ingredients and apply on face for 10 minutes.This mask will lighten the all dark spots and make your skin smooth and  flawless .
Potato juice is also very useful in hair growth and can be use as a dye colour .Boil some  potato peel for 10 minutes and leave it for cool down and then apply on your grey hair to turn brown hair.

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