Thursday 25 February 2016


Besides cooking tomato can be used to enhance your beauty.Apply tomato pulp on skin will give you a healthy and beautiful skin . It revives the glow to the skin .It contains high amount of vitamin C which is known to brighten skin.It has high water content and it hydrate the skin and it has high amount of vitamin A which helps to grow new and flawless skin.Tomato seed oil is also used for the treatment of skin problem like eczema .It is also helpful in treating dry skin .It absorb oxygen and prevent the sign of aging.It contains an antioxidant which act as a natural sunscreen .

It has natural astringent and bleaching  properties which helps to brighten complexion and remove dead cells.

Take half tomato and sprinkle some sugar on it and rub gently on face for few seconds and leave it on face for 10 minutes and wash off with fresh water.It will help to remove dead cell and brighten complexion.

MASK FOR DRY SKIN- Take one tsp tomato pulp +half tsp honey .Mix both ingredients and apply on face for 10 minutes and wash off with fresh water.It will make your skin fair and smooth.
MASK FOR OILY SKIN - Take one tsp tomato pulp + half tsp fuller's earth (mulltani mitti) .Mix both well and apply on face for 10 minutes and wash off with fresh water.


Saturday 20 February 2016


Eating a diet rich in protein and vitamins and minerals for healthy hair growth.Take foods which are high in vitamins A,B,C,E,Iron ,zinc and copper. Do massage  with luke warm oil to your hair twice a week.

TREATMENT---Make a mixture of two tsp of olive oil +two tsp of aloe vera paste .Apply this mixture onto your scalp and leave it for40 minutes.Aloe vera contains enzymes that promote healthy hair growth.It's alkalizing properties help to bring the scalp to balance PH level.Daily use of aloe vera paste relieve scalp
itching and reduce scalp inflammation. Take one tsp aloe vera juice on an empty stomach to get hair growth.

Wednesday 17 February 2016


Double chin reveals your age .Every person past the age of thirty plus is starting to worry about a double chin.There is usually not a lot of fat under there ,it is just gravity and sagging skin and another cause may be weak thyroid ,So if you want to get rid of double chin ,so try these exercise and face mask .

EXERCISE FOR DOUBLE CHIN --Standing straight and put your bottom teeth over your top teeth and then assume to kiss the ceiling fan and you should feel a stretch from the tip of your chin .Do this five to eight times and don't close your mouth during this exercise .

MASK FOR DOUBLE CHIN--Take one tsp glycerin +one tsp epsom salt+few drops of peppermint oil,mix all ingredients and apply on the neck and chin area for 20 minutes.Wash off with fresh water.Do it twice a week .

Saturday 13 February 2016


Scrubbers are a marvelous way yo pamper yourself.There are different types of scrubber,some have cleansing and nourishing action .They give freshen to the skin and live it soft and glowing .

HOW TO MAKE BODY SCRUBBER --Take half cup sea salt +half cup olive oil or  sesame oil,mix both and rub gently over body .This is very effective body scrubber specially for winter .This helps to get rid of dead cells.This scrubber is much cheaper than bought by store .

Thursday 11 February 2016


Everyone wants a beautiful and healthy skin that will look young and glow all the day .Every one must know how we should take care of our skin so that it remains fresh ,clear ,healthy and young .You don't need to apply chemical products which have many side effects ,if you treat yourself and give yourself a care by using the following exercise ,you will get a fabulous result.

There is no need of aging and no pricey packages.Follow these simple facial exercise .
Firstly make an O shape like hide the teeth with the lips and hold this position for 10 seconds.Do this for three times.

(2) Smile widely while keeping the teeth hidden and hold this position for five seconds .Do four times.

(3) Raise your eyebrows as high as you can and hold them for 10 seconds and do this exercise for five times.

(4)Open your mouth as you wide as possible and stick your tongue out as far as you can and hold this position for five seconds and do this exercise for three times .

Saturday 6 February 2016


 The dark complexion of the skin could be due to many reasons.Every one wants fair and glowing skin without damaging the layer of skin.There are many products in the market for improving complexion but these products have some hidden side effects .Which may damage the outer layer of skin .Here i give some best home remedies for improving complexion.

(1)Soak one tsp of sunflower seeds in two tsp of raw milk and a pinch of saffron and grind all .Apply on face for 10 minutes and use it daily for few weeks for fairer complexion.

(2)Take one tsp barley flour +half tsp almond powder +two tsp carrot juice .Mix all ingredients and apply on face for 15 minutes .

(3)Drink spinach juice daily for two months to improve complexion.

(4)Soak up few almonds in raw milk for one hour and grind them and apply on face for 15 minutes.This pack will help to keep skin fairer.
(5) Drink 7 to 8 glasses of water and eat walnut on empty stomach for clear skin
and improving complexion.