Saturday 27 June 2015


Our skin need to maintain appropriate skin care not even external as well as internal regime and a healthy life style .As a good skin starts with what we eat , here are two cocktail drink which are most beneficial to the skin.

COCKTAIL DRINK---Take two cups of orange juice +one cup coriander juice +two cups spinach juice ,mix all the juices and sieve. This juice is quite delicious and works wonder on the complexion as it is rich in iron and vitamin C ,which is needed to improve complexion.This cocktail drink improve skin is incredible.


Take one cup of prune + juice of two lemon ,mix both in a juicer and sieve .Drink this juice every morning .It is very effective in clearing skin.

Thursday 25 June 2015


Though many people think of insomnia as the inability to fall asleep. Sleep problems that lost just a few weeks are often related to stress .
What cause it?-- Dietary and life style factor ,a major illness ,Tension ,Anxiety and Depression are the causes of insomnia . In some instances a nutrient deficiency ,especially a lack of Calcium ,Magnesium or vitamin B6 can lead to sleep problem.

Numerous studies have found all herbal supplements ,to be an effective sleep aid ,such as Chamomile and Pasion flower.These herbs taken in the form of pills .

Take a handful of cherries before bed time . Cherries are packed with melatonin the same hormone that your body create to regulate sleep pattern.Do 40 minutes of vigorous walking four times a week helped not only to fall asleep but also to sleep soundly through the night.

Wednesday 24 June 2015


CAUSES OF LINES ON FOREHEAD----Anxiety ,Dehydration , Consumption of too much sugar or protein, Too much use of  tomato ,cucumber and lemon.

TREATMENT--Do daily facial exercise like stretch and tighten forehead  muscles hold  and release five times.

Apply herbal mask of corn starch +Aloe vera juice , make a paste and apply on forehead for 20 minutes.

Apply Papaya pulp for ten minutes once in a week .

Sunday 21 June 2015


Skin is not a waterproof wrapping .it is highly efficient organ ,it protects the body from bacteria. The skin is one of the greatest indicators of good or bad health.Diet is also vital importance .Our skin needs vitamins to get more youthful skin .Drinking water is another easy way of tightening skin .Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water in a day to hydrate your skin.Over exposure to hot and dry wind also damage the skin ,along with stress and diet environment and age factor are one of the major cause of loose skin .Here are some home remedies for tightening skin.

SKIN TIGHTENING MASK-----Take two tsp of pomegranate +one tsp of  clay powder or fuller's earth (mulltani mitti)  ,make a thin paste and apply on face for 15 minutes and wash off with fresh water.

Spread a thin layer of egg white on your face for 10 minutes .This mask really tightens up the skin ,if your skin is dry add  half tsp of honey or oil.This mask is unbeatable.

Saturday 20 June 2015


It is among the most popular diet for Indians because its vegetarian diet plan.The GM diet and health program was recommended that during the first seven days you must avoid alcohol and must drink at least ten glasses of water each day.This vegetarian diet will help you loose weight very quickly. It is called as the GM diet.

DAY 1 --You can eat only fruits .

DAY 2--Second day is only for veggies ,you can eat boiled or raw vegetables ,even you can eat one potato in a day.

DAY 3--You can eat both fruits and vegetables.Don't eat potato on third day.Drink lots of water.

DAY 4--Drink two to four glasses of milk and maximum six banana for the whole day.

DAY 5-- Take tomato soup ,sprout and soya chunk.

DAY 6--You can eat sprout ,cheese and vegetable soup without tomato.

DAY 7--You can have half chapati or brown rice with vegetables and you can drink fresh fruit juice. Don't drink fruit juice  in the first six days ,if you strictly follow the diet plan you will get more slimmer body.

Thursday 18 June 2015


Every one wants soft and beautiful hands and feet like our face . Our feet and hands also need extra care because they also exposed to the environment .

MASK FOR FEET AND HANDS ---Take one egg yolk +two tsp of  mulltani mitti+ one tsp of any cooking oil.mix together into a paste and apply on feet and hands for 15 minutes and wash off with luke warm water.

Make a liquid of one portion of lemon juice + one portion of glycerine ,mix well and apply twice a week .

Apply baby oil on hands and feet at bed time.

Wednesday 17 June 2015


Dandruff can be caused by a number of things like such as psoriasis or eczema ,over growth of yeast can also called dandruff. poor circulation ,poor nourishment due to poor metabolism ,spicy food.

TREATMENT FOR DANDRUFF-----Take two tsp of Ratanjot powder( Alkanet) + one cup coconut oil and put in a bottle and place this bottle in sunlight for two days then stain and use this oil for scalp massage twice a week.

Make a mixture of one egg yolk + half tsp of lemon juice +three drops of camphor .mix all ingredients and apply to scalp leave for 15 minutes and wash off with mild shampoo.

Take supplements of 400 units vitamin E and Zinc for one month.

Tuesday 16 June 2015


Aloe vera have identified many of its active ingredients , which is rich in anti inflammatory substance. Its gel contains  a gummy materiel that act as a healing , that helps to relief pain and reduce swelling. Aloe vera gel is particularly helpful when applied to damaged skin . It helps in healing of sunburn ,minor skin wounds and reducing itching. Its gel also provide an air proof  moisturising barrier ,so that wound do not dry out. Aloe vera increase blood circulation and speeding  the regeneration of skin. Aloe vera make a soothing bath that is especially helpful for sunburn ,add two cup of aloe vera juice in one bucket of water and take bath.
It also used in treating the skin psoriasis , apply aloe vera gel to skin three times a day for one year.

Aloe vera juice that may be taken internally for inflammatory digestive disorder and heat burn .

Other studies are found that aloe vera's effectiveness as a antiviral and immune boosting agent for treatment of diabetes and cancer.

ALOE VERA MASK FOR DRY SKIN-----Take one tsp of aloe vera gel + one tsp of glycerine .mix both and apply on face for 15 minutes and wash off with fresh water.

ALOE VERA MASK FOR OILY SKIN---Take one tsp of aloe vera gel + half tsp of mulltani mitti (fuller's earth) mix both and apply on face for 10 minutes and wash off with fresh water.

Saturday 13 June 2015


How to make home made scents ,you can make your own scents just with simple ingredients and save money.

HOW TO MAKE SCENTS ---- Take one tsp of cloves  ,one cup of rose petals ,one cup of cider vinegar and two tsp of lemon or orange flowers. Put all ingredients  except vinegar along with one little water in a pot and bring to boil till it remains half in quantity ,strain and pour into spray bottle.


Put all herbs  with three cups of boiled water and vinegar in a bottle and shake well and leave them to stand for at least for a week and shake the bottle daily then strain  and use as a scent.

Friday 5 June 2015


Dry skin tends to  be itchy,you need to choose cosmetics that  won't result in allergy or rashes.The best way to take care of dry skin is to moisturise it regularly,wash your face only with water many times during the day.Use oil rich products and drink plenty of water.

HOW TO MAKE MASK----Put a pan over a low heat and put two tsp of sugar with 1/3 tsp of water, when it started  to caramel remove from the heat  and add a beaten egg  yolk,turn off the heat and mix in few drops of lemon juice.when cool enough ,make a tiny balls and store in a jar to use in your moistened as a mask.