Saturday 30 May 2015


Scrubber stimulates the skin ,bring the blood to the surface ,remove dead cells ,and leave the skin feeling beautifully smooth and clean. Try this scrubber for fabulous skin.

SCRUBBER---Take two tsp of finely ground orange peel or lemon peel +two tsp of ground oat meal
+ two tsp of ground almond ,mix all ingredients and store in a jar.Take a little , roughly a tsp in a palm and mix with a little water and scrub gently on your face in a circular movement for two to three minutes.After that wash off your face with fresh water.

Friday 29 May 2015


Pimples are skin inflammation of the skin .They are oil glands which are infected with bacteria even vitamin D deficiency may be cause of pimples scars ,It is when the dermis is damaged that  scars form on the skin.Pimples scars most often the product of an inflamed lesion ,such as a popular or cyst inflamed scars occur ,when the pore becomes engorged with excess oil and dead skin cells ,After that pimples is gone,it leaves with a pimples scars.You don't have to grin and beat and minimum use of cosmetics and moisturiser .

FACE PACK FOR SCARS---. Take half tsp of sandal powder +half tsp of lemon juice or (one tsp pf curd) +half tsp of coconut oil + half camphor BP crystals (not use synthetic camphor balls) .Mix together and apply on face for fifteen minutes and wash off with fresh water.


One tsp of crushed mint leaves +one tsp of crushed coriander leaves paste +one tsp of lemon juice or (curd), mix all ingredients and apply on your face for 15 minutes.

Apply tea tree oil (essential oil ) or avocado oil on pimples and scars , don't rub generally pat on your skin gently.

Saturday 23 May 2015


Vitamin E derived from natural vegetable oil is known as D Alpha .It is claimed natural vitamin E has 36% greater potency and it remains in the body for a much longer time and twice as effective as compared to synthetic vitamin E.The vitamin E is as essential nutrient ,which need to our body to be supplied in adequate quantity through the diet and supplements, if you are eating a balanced diet ,however you are probably not required.All foods containing vitamin E ,lose some of during storage and processing. The vitamin E in food is destroyed by oxygen, this is accelerated by heat and light .To get the vitamin E supplied by one 500 IU capsule we'd have to eat 300 tsp of mayonnaise.

Vitamin E is available in leafy vegetables ,corn , soya -bean ,nuts ,wheat and seeds oils.

Deficiency of vitamin E indicate  the risk for certain cancer of lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

BENEFITS OF VITAMIN E----It prevents frequent mis-carriage in women. .

It relief's from hot flushes and depression in menopausal women.

It is essential for function muscles.

It prevents brown pigmentation due to formation of highly unsaturated fatty acids.

It fight against the free redicals.

It helps  to prevent wrinkles .

It slows down the process of atherosclerosis.

It protects the body from harmful tumor promotion chemicals in smoked and cured food.

It decrease the clotting of blood inside blood vessels and beneficial for varicose vains.

Thursday 21 May 2015


When the skin produce excess oil its result in acne and pimples ,make up doesn't stay on for long time due to the greasiness.To over come this problem try oil free cosmetics and cleans your face with  this mask.potatoes contains vitamin c and it thoroughly cleans the skin of blemishes and  are reputed to benefit in eczema.It is marvellous for greasy and spotty skin.

Take one tsp of potato juice + half tsp of fuller's earth (mulltani mitti) mix both and apply on your face for 15 minutes.

Tuesday 19 May 2015


There are many causes of an irritated skin and medication allergies .A rash is a noticeable change in the colour of the skin.They can take on various symptoms like redness ,swelling , burning and itchiness of the skin .

TREATMENT FOR IRRITATED SKIN---Take a eight parts of water to one part vinegar and use for bathing. It will cure itchiness  of the skin and soften the skin.

MASK FOR IRRITATED SKIN-----Take two tsp of carrot juice + one tsp of  potatoes juice. mix both and apply on your face for 20 minutes.

Apply Vaseline  on your irritated skin before you go to bed ,it  works wonder.

Saturday 16 May 2015


Nails are one of the body   strongest tissues ,but they can become weakened and break for a number of reasons. Good nutrition is the key to nail vitality.Nutrition plays a key role in nail growth. Dry and brittle nails grow slowly could be caused by deficiencies. Change in nail colour may indicate an underlying illness ,when the blood doesn't get enough oxygen.

Take supplements of biotin and vitamin B about two months.

Keep your nails dry and clean.

Keep your nails moisturised ,apply a lotion castor oil on your cuticles before you go to bed.

Take one tsp of glycerine + two tsp of hydrogen peroxide(5 vol) or lemon+ four tsp of rose water . mix all ingredients and apply on your hand and nails ,this will bleach those nicotine stains from the nails.

Friday 15 May 2015


Summer makes your skin dry and itchy.Dry skin is an uncomfortable condition marked by scaling , itching and cracking .Dry skin is a common problem in people with diabetes or skin allergies .You can prevent dry skin by taking these steps.

Drink plenty of water at least five to six glasses in a day.

Bathe with fresh water ,using a soap that has  a high fat content.

After bath apply moisturiser .

Avoid using perfumed products these product can dry the skin.

TREATMENT FOR DRY SKIN ----Wash your face with home made scrubber.

Take one tsp of oatmeal + two tsp of milk. make a paste and rub on your face for 30 seconds and wash off with fresh water. Use daily and feel the difference with in a 15 days.

MOISTURISER FOR DRY SKIN---- Take one cup of rose water + four tsp of glycerin + two tsp of vinegar + one tsp of honey. mix all ingredients and keep it in a jar and use this home made moisturiser.

MASK FOR DRY SKIN---Take half mashed banana ,mix it with half tsp of almond or olive oil.Apply on your face for 20 minutes and wash off with fresh water ,use this mask twice a week.

Tuesday 12 May 2015


Oily skin is a characteristics of dominant of kapha. An easy way to know what type of skin you have ,Take a dry tissue paper early in the morning and wipe your face ,if there is oil on it ,you have a oily skin.Do three steps daily.

Wash your face once in the morning and once before bedtime.
Remove face and eye make up with sunflower oil not essential oil.
Apply fruit mask once or twice a week.

TO CLEANS OILY SKIN----Take one tsp of barley meal and one tsp of fuller's earth(mulltani mitti) mix both in four tsp of water and apply on your face for 15 minutes. fuller's earth absorb all the dirt and oil from the skin.

MASKS-----Take half tsp of lemon zest + half tsp of milk powder. mix both and apply on your face for 10 minutes.

EGG MASK-- Take one egg yolk and half tsp of lemon juice ,allow the mixture to stand for half an hour .The oil from the lemon soak into the egg yolk and make this mask ideal for oily and greasy skin.

Apply papaya mask on face for 15 minutes once in a week. 

Friday 8 May 2015


Essential oils are used in  massage oils ,moisturising oils and herbal bath .Essential oils are minisculer in molecular size ,which are absorbed by the skin. It has high in antibacterial, antifungal properties.These oils also effective for clogs and help to reduce stress. You can use it in your skin care routine.If you want to make your own essential oil ,here is some simple recipe for this formulation.

Take one cup of any fresh herb or flower of your choice          ( rose petals ,basil , sandal , lavender    ect.)Crush in a blander and put in a bottle fill with half  cup of sunflower oil and one tsp of vinegar and place this bottle in sunlight.Shake every day this bottle . After one month strain all the mixture and again mix fresh flower or herb in this oil and place  in sunlight for a week till it smells strongly of the flower or herb then strain and use this oil in your massage cream.

Tuesday 5 May 2015


Skin eats what we feed it .Everyone should nourish their skin internally as well as externally to get a fabulous skin

(1) Drink aloevera juice on  empty stomach to release toxin.

(2) Drink lot's of water 4 to 5 little.

(3) Cleans the face and apply the nourishing oil.

(4) Always massage on wet face , use oil according to your skin type and use a few drops of oil to massage, less oil use for sensitive skin and who have oily  skin ,use chick pea powder with water for massage.

(5) Take a soft hand towel and rub gently on your wet face for 30 seconds .It improves circulation and provide nourishment .

(6) Diet is also main importance ,Avoid too many carbohydrates. Which tend to give the skin a pasty look.

Saturday 2 May 2015


This type of skin needs to be utmost care .This type of skin generally turn to red rather than in the sun ,so you should take precaution's to protect themselves from the eats what we feed it everyone should nourish their skin internally as externally to get a fabulous skin.Always choose very carefully skin products.Avoid make up on your face and you will get a smooth and healthy skin day by day by using these natural home remedies.Before trying any treatment , try patch test first on your wrist.

Take three tsp of milk powder and six tsp of almond powder and one tsp of dry lemon or orange zest.mix all ingredients and store in a pot.Always wash your face with this mixture ,take a one tsp of mixture on your palm and mix  some water and apply on your face and rub gently for a 30 seconds.Wash off  your face with fresh water.After cleansing nourish your skin with this oil once in a  week .
Take one tsp of rose oil and one tsp of sandal oil  +one tsp of almond oil .mix all oil's well and take two drops of this oil and mix in four drops of water and massage all over the face for one minute.

Friday 1 May 2015


All astringents have large amount of alcohol.They dry the skin and leaving it feeling tight.they are suitable for oily skin if your skin is sensitive or dry ,avoid to use of alcohol based astringents.
All natural astringents are easy to use and they minimize your pores and keep your skin smooth and healthy.It restores the skin"s natural P H balance.The main problem is that natural astringents tend to smell quickly ,so use them as soon as possible.The cucumber and mint are well known for their cooling and soothing properties.This is a very heavenly combination for a summer cosmetics, it is cool fresh and tingly even looks refreshing.

Put the cucumber and mint into a blender and strain and use as a astringent. This is as fresh astringent  and they do always freshen the skin.