Wednesday 22 September 2021


 Elder flowers which Hindi name is badee phool ( बड़ी फ़ूल)

An extract of the flower is used to make medicine and skin treatment .

Elder flowers contains antioxidants that protect against sun and other free radical damage . 

Elder flowers contain high level of vitamin A  

Elder flowers soothe the skin  , help erase the appearance of age spot . 

MASK FOR ITCHY SKIN _ Take 2 tsp curd Or milk 

4 tsp elder flowers + 1 tsp honey 

Heat the milk and flowers together slowly by 20 minutes .

Remove from the heat and let stand for cool down and add honey .

Use this on face for 20 minutes and

Wash off your face with fresh water.

Stay tuned here to more great tips .

Wednesday 29 January 2020


Beauty benefits of dandelions______Dandelions is a perennial plant growing  almost every where .It has enormous medicine value . It's hindu name is (Sinhaparnee, kanphool.....Related to sunflower family .
Dandelions contain age old healing properties.They are full of vitamins and are reputed to cure shallowness skin.....Skin that looks a little yellow .
Dandelion is a great herb to use for acne prone , combination and sensitive skin type including Eczema.
Dandelion face mask_____Take half cup of dandelion leaves and pour the boiling water over it and cover it for 2 hours .Strain the mixture .Take half tsp of Fuller's earth (multani mitti ) +one tsp of dandelion water and mix it well and apply on face for 20 minutes and wash off with water.Appy thrice a week for better results.

Sunday 2 July 2017


Skin tags are common acquired benign skin growths that resemble a small soft balloon .Skin tags are harmless growths .Although some skin tags may fall off spontaneously.Skin tags may be as small as a flattened pinhead sized bump or as large as peanut size.A person may have anywhere from one to fifty of skin tags.Mostly skin tags occur on the eyelids, neck,armpits and under breasts ect.There are some safe and effective home remedies to remove skin tags .

(1) Castor oil is a strong remedy for treating skin tags at home .Take half tsp of castor oil +half tsp baking soda and make a thick paste and apply on the skin tag ,continue the application every day till the tag fall off.
(2)Take one crushed garlic clove and apply on tag for 15 minutes.Repeat for few days till the tags finally fall off.

 (3)Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar ,then apply on skin tag .Continue the application every day till the tag fall off.

 Every post mentioned on tips has been tested ,but some individuals have different skin and some have allergies ,so please  before try on  your face try  patch test first .


Sunday 29 January 2017


Hair fall may be a sign that your(G1 ) tract is not absorbing  nutrients properly .Taking biotin and other B12 is good for your hair .Taking food which are rich in vitamin B and zinc ,promote healthy growth and slow hair loss .It can  boost thyroid function ,zinc may be especially beneficial for people who have brittle or thinning hair as a result of an under active thyroid .

REMEDY FOR HAIR FALL --Take two tsp aloe vera juice +two tsp honey +two tsp potato juice

Mix all ingredients well and apply on scalp for 30
minutes and wash off.


Apply raw papaya paste on your scalp for 20 minutes and then wash off with shampoo .

Saturday 21 January 2017


Grey hair is one of the most dreaded night mare for some people .There are numerous dyes available in the market ,which you can use to cover up the grey hair .Grey hair occurs when our hair is devoid of the pigment called melanin .The other factor of grey hair are the genetics ,stress  ,diet and exposure to pollution .Many chemical hair colors contain ammonia.Always avoid chemical based dyes .Here are a few hair coloring ideas
to try at home .

FOR BROWN HAIR --Remove the peel of walnuts and crushed them and make a thick paste with hot water and then apply it on the hair  .Leave it for 30 to40 minutes and wash the hair and rinse it with vinegar .

Take oak piece and one cup onion peels .Put both into hot water and boil them for 30 minutes on medium heat and let it cool down and apply on your hair for 40 minutes and then rinse it with vinegar .

FOR RED HAIR ---Cut beet root into small pieces and put into hot water and boil it for 10 minutes and let it cool down and apply on your hair for 30 minutes and rinse your hair with vinegar .Repeat daily the procedure for desired result .

FOR BLONDE HAIR --Take one cup of chamomile flowers and put it into hot water and boil for 15 minutes and strain it .Apply this liquid on your hair for 30 minutes and then rinse your hair using vinegar .

Sunday 1 January 2017


Wrinkles are an inevitable part of the natural aging process .As we become older our skin gets thinner ,dries and less elastic.The way you sleep may be cause of wrinkles .It puts pressure on your face.

Causes--Sun exposure ,excessive exercise ,stress,lack of sleep,lack of water intake another cause of wrinkles.Our skin also depend on water for better function.

TREATMENT--Do natural face lifting exercise daily ,like yoga .Here are few remedies that will help reduce    wrinkles .Open your mouth and lips  like  O ,then you open your eyes real wide and look up .When you do this ,you pull the O down.Don't open your mouth real wide .Which works under the eye muscles, making a low O and sticking your tongue all the way out for five seconds.This exercise will help to tight  eyes muscles.

Massage your skin with omega3.

Take primrose oil as supplement.

MASK FOR WRINKLES--Spread a thin layer of egg white on your face.Rinse off after 10 minutes.

(2)Take two tsp pomegranate juice ,mix it in half tsp kaolin clay or fuller's earth .Mix both well and apply on face .Wash off after 10 minutes.
(3)Apply crushed pineapple on your skin ,It contains vitamin C ,which is great for skin

Wednesday 28 December 2016


During winter all types of skin needs extra care ,during winter our skin tends to get dry due to cold wind.
Dry skin leads to the irritation and chapped skin .
Do not rub soap on your skin.Skin gets dry and flaky,winter brings excessive dryness to the skin .
Do not take very hot water bath .
Always wash your face with home made scrubber like -oatmeal +milk ,mix both ingredients well and rub gently on your face and neck for few minutes and wash off with fresh water.
 Mask for winter for all skin type--Mash a banana +two drops almond oil,mix both well and apply on face and neck for 20 minuter and then wash off with fresh water.Use it twice a week .