Wednesday 29 January 2020


Beauty benefits of dandelions______Dandelions is a perennial plant growing  almost every where .It has enormous medicine value . It's hindu name is (Sinhaparnee, kanphool.....Related to sunflower family .
Dandelions contain age old healing properties.They are full of vitamins and are reputed to cure shallowness skin.....Skin that looks a little yellow .
Dandelion is a great herb to use for acne prone , combination and sensitive skin type including Eczema.
Dandelion face mask_____Take half cup of dandelion leaves and pour the boiling water over it and cover it for 2 hours .Strain the mixture .Take half tsp of Fuller's earth (multani mitti ) +one tsp of dandelion water and mix it well and apply on face for 20 minutes and wash off with water.Appy thrice a week for better results.

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