Sunday 2 July 2017


Skin tags are common acquired benign skin growths that resemble a small soft balloon .Skin tags are harmless growths .Although some skin tags may fall off spontaneously.Skin tags may be as small as a flattened pinhead sized bump or as large as peanut size.A person may have anywhere from one to fifty of skin tags.Mostly skin tags occur on the eyelids, neck,armpits and under breasts ect.There are some safe and effective home remedies to remove skin tags .

(1) Castor oil is a strong remedy for treating skin tags at home .Take half tsp of castor oil +half tsp baking soda and make a thick paste and apply on the skin tag ,continue the application every day till the tag fall off.
(2)Take one crushed garlic clove and apply on tag for 15 minutes.Repeat for few days till the tags finally fall off.

 (3)Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar ,then apply on skin tag .Continue the application every day till the tag fall off.

 Every post mentioned on tips has been tested ,but some individuals have different skin and some have allergies ,so please  before try on  your face try  patch test first .


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