Sunday 1 January 2017


Wrinkles are an inevitable part of the natural aging process .As we become older our skin gets thinner ,dries and less elastic.The way you sleep may be cause of wrinkles .It puts pressure on your face.

Causes--Sun exposure ,excessive exercise ,stress,lack of sleep,lack of water intake another cause of wrinkles.Our skin also depend on water for better function.

TREATMENT--Do natural face lifting exercise daily ,like yoga .Here are few remedies that will help reduce    wrinkles .Open your mouth and lips  like  O ,then you open your eyes real wide and look up .When you do this ,you pull the O down.Don't open your mouth real wide .Which works under the eye muscles, making a low O and sticking your tongue all the way out for five seconds.This exercise will help to tight  eyes muscles.

Massage your skin with omega3.

Take primrose oil as supplement.

MASK FOR WRINKLES--Spread a thin layer of egg white on your face.Rinse off after 10 minutes.

(2)Take two tsp pomegranate juice ,mix it in half tsp kaolin clay or fuller's earth .Mix both well and apply on face .Wash off after 10 minutes.
(3)Apply crushed pineapple on your skin ,It contains vitamin C ,which is great for skin

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