Sunday 31 July 2016


Besides cooking tomato can be used to enhance your beauty.Daily use of tomato products will give you a healthy and beautiful skin .Apply tomato on the skin revives the glow to the skin.It contains high amount of vit C which is known to brighten skin.Tomato seed oil is also used for the treatment of skin problem like eczema .It is also helpful in treating dry skin.It absorb oxygen and prevent the sign of aging.It provides an amazing natural skin treatment .It contains an antioxidant which act as a natural sunscreen .It has natural astringent and bleaching properties ,it removes dead skin cells.

(1)--Take half tomato and sprinkle some sugar on it and rub gently on your skin in circulation motion for few minutes and wash off with fresh water .It will remove dead skin cells.Do twice a week to get glowing skin.

(2) Tomatoes are best for oily skin.Rub tomato slice on the skin till the juice absorb in the skin.Rinse off after 10 minutes.

(3) Apply tomato pulp and massage your skin with it and leave on face for 10 minutes .It will improve complexion if done every day.

(4) Take one tsp tomato pulp +half tsp lemon juice .Mix both juices well and apply on your scars for 15 minutes .Rinse off after 15 minutes with fresh water .It will lighten your scars if done daily for few days.

Friday 29 July 2016


Onion and onion juice can help you regrow your hair.It has antiseptic and antibacterial properties.Onion and onion juice can help you re-grow your hair .Onion juice helps treat hair loss due to its high sulfur content,which help improve blood circulation to hair follicles.It juice help to treat scalp infections that can cause hair loss.Onion juice is rich in vit C, B and folic acid and also has supply of calcium ,magnesium ,iron .Onion contain sulfur which is one of the essential nutrients in promoting hair growth .Applying onion juice twice a week for a month can stimulate hair growth.

TREATMENT--Take two chopped onion into small pieces and put them into your shampoo and let it stands for 15 days and use the shampoo after 15 days as usual .It helps to re-growth hair but also makes your hair shining .
Take two tsp onion seed and put into two cup of coconut oil
and boil on low flame for 15 minutes,filter and massage from this oil on your scalp and leave it at last 30 minutes.Follow this hair loss treatment daily for few months.

Thursday 21 July 2016


Coconut oil is fabulous for the skin.Coconut oil is not just for cooking it is also a beauty multitasker   that  you can use to hydrate your skin and frizzy hair.Coconut oil has strong healing ,moisturizing and antibacterial qualities that beneficially affect the skin while nourishing.It can also be used to remove make up .Here are few beauty tips which can incorporate with coconut oil into your beauty routine .
(1) COCONUT OIL FOR ACNE---Take few drops of coconut oil and and mix a pinch of baking soda and apply on acne and leave it for 20 minutes and wash off.

(2) MOISTURIZER FOR DRY SKIN--Take one tsp coconut oil +one tsp honey,mix both ingredients well and apply on face and massage gently in a circular motion .

(3)SCRUBBER FOR DRY SKIN---Take one tsp coconut oil +one tsp sugar and rub gently on your face for few minutes .It is a great exfoliator scrubber for dry skin.

Friday 8 July 2016


Our skin consists of layers,sometimes our skin produce giving us greasy skin during in the monsoon you need to pay attention to your skin as it can react to humidity and dampness.This leads to skin dryness ,oily skin ,unnecessary pimple growth.Everyone wants a beautiful and healthy skin that will glow all day.Every one must know how we should take care of our skin so that it remains fresh clear and healthy.Here i suggest some best home made mask for rainy season ,these masks protect you from infections .

(1) Sandal is an excellent source for curing skin problem, It is suitable for all skin type.Make a mixture of one tsp sandal powder +one tsp of rose water.Mix both ingredients well and apply on skin for 10 minutes and wash off with fresh water.
(2)GREEN TEA--Green tea is antioxidant ,it helps to reduce the inflammation and redness .Take used green tea bag and transfer it in a bowl ,mix one tsp curd in green tea and mix well and apply on face for 10 minutes.
These masks will purge impurities and soothing to your skin.