Friday 31 July 2015


Dry skin seems to be drawn too tightly .It has a tendency to flakiness and dry patches .Tiny lines are normally visible which if we neglected ,turn into wrinkles and lines .Dry skin needs lots of extra care ,you should eat enough fat and protein.Take a course of vitamin E for three months.

FOR CLEANSING --Take equal quantity of almond powder +milk powder and half quantity of sugar .Store in a jar .Use half tsp to make a paste with water to cleans the skin ,if your skin is very dry mix few drops of almond oil .

NOURISHING ---Make a mixture of sesame oil( til oil)+lemon oil ,store in a bottle ,shake well.Take a few drops of oil on palm and massage gently on wet face for two to three minutes until skin absorb all the essential  oil.


Are you looking of beauty ingredients for most of your beauty problem .Apple cider vinegar can work on blemishes ,pores and healthier for your hair .Always use a raw,organic and unfiltered apple cider vinegar.Apple cider vinegar contain acetic acid ,it help the scalp from dandruff by maintain PH balance. Apple cider vinegar works as an astringent and it remove excess oil from the skin ,when vinegar is used as a toner ,it helps skin to find balance between dry and oily skin.

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR FACE MASK---Take one tsp water +half tsp apple cider vinegar  +one tsp corn starch.Mix all ingredients and apply on face for 15 minutes and wash off with fresh water.
Take one dilute of apple cider vinegar in two tsp of water and apply with a cotton ball and rub gently over blemishes.It works wonder. It remove warts ,soak cotton ball in diluted apple cider vinegar with water and place over night cover with a bandage ,do this for a week to get the desired result.

Apply apple cider vinegar +equal part of water .Massage your scalp with this mixture and leave it for two minutes and rinse your hair.

Saturday 25 July 2015


Wrinkles are an inevitable part of the natural aging process ,as we become older our skin gets thinner ,dries and less elastic .The way you sleep may be cause of wrinkles ,it puts pressure on your face .Low diets in protein and rich in carbohydrates also cause of pre mature wrinkles ,tendency to talk with more more facial movement may be cause of pre mature wrinkles

HOME REMEDIES FOR PRE MATURE WRINKLE -----Do face lifting exercise daily.

(2)  Massage your skin with omege3.

(3) Half mash banana +half tsp honey ,mix both ingredients and apply on face for half an hour .

(4) Take half tsp aloe vera paste +one vitamin E capsule ,mix both ingredients and apply on face for 20 minutes .Aloe vera contains malic acid that helps reduce wrinkles.

(5) Grind a half cup of fenugreek (methi leaves) and make and make a paste. Apply on face for 15 minutes.

 The leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals and it helps to treat wrinkles.
I must emphasis that these remedies can't work miracles in a day  ,these remedies often take more than a one month .Always remember applying any mask try patch test first .


Thursday 16 July 2015


When the skin produce excess oil ,it result in acne and pimples , make up does not stay on for long time due to the greasiness . To overcome this problem try oil free cosmetics and cleans your face with this mask .Potatoes contains vitamin C and they thoroughly cleans the skin of blemishes and are reputed to benefit in eczema .It is marvelous for greasy and spotty skin.                                               

MASK FOR GREASY SKIN--(1)--Take one tsp of potato juice + one tsp fuller's earth (mulltani mitti) .mix both and and apply on face for 15 minutes

(2) Lemon juice is rich in alpha hydroxy acids.It regenerate cells.It also helps to get rid of excess oil.Take a cotton ball and dip in a lemon juice and rub gently on face for few seconds.Wash off your face with fresh water.

(3) Take one tsp grated raw potatoes +two tsp grated cucumber +one tsp yogurt +1/4 tsp baking soda .Mix all ingredients well and apply on face for 20 minutes and wash off with fresh water.  
These masks are ideal for greasy and oily skin.


Tuesday 14 July 2015


The basis of beauty is a good skin ,and the secret of good skin is keeping it clean .The change in weather means it is time to change skin care regime.There are several infection taking place .There can be skin problem like eczema ,rashes prickly heat and pimples .The season tends to infect the air. Skin and hair cannot be left behind the moist humid rainy weather. Deep cleansing method is beneficial to all types of skin

.It cleans the skin of all surface dirt and unclogs blocked pores.

MASK ---Take handful of crushed neem leaves (Azadirachta) margosa  +one tsp fuller's earth (mulltani mitti) or clay +four drops 10 volume  hydrogen  peroxide +one tsp water .mix all ingredients and apply on face for five minutes.

(2) Sandal is an excellent source for curing skin problem .Take one tsp sandal powder and mix in two tsp of rose water and apply on face for 10 minutes.Wash off with with fresh water.

(3) Green tea is antioxidant .It helps to reduce the inflammation and redness .Take used green tea bag and transfer its content in a cup and mix one tsp of curd .Make a paste and apply on face for 10 minutes .Wash off with fresh water.
These masks will purge impurities and soothing to skin.

Sunday 12 July 2015


The health of our hair requires a plenty supply of nutrient .Our hair average grows about one centimetre a month ,Problem can arise when hair become dry or brittle or becomes flecked with dandruff . Hair is a fast growing tissue .

WHAT IS THE CAUSES OF IT---Some conditions may also be caused by nutritional deficiencies ,stress ,poor diet and hormonal changes or genetic .We need a mixture of protein ,complex carbohydrates and vitamins .Protein has amino acids which is essential for the building of hair cells ,inadequate protein intake can cause hair loss.Carbohydrates help in the growth of hair ,good source of carbohydrates are whole wheat ,oats ,bajra,brown rice.
Lack of vitamin A can result in a flaky scalp, but too much vitamin A over a long period can cause hair loss.
Thinning hair may be a sign that your (GI) tract is not absorbing zinc and other nutrients properly ,taking one or two pills of zinc twice a day may improve your GI function and boost your body ability to absorb important hair nourishing substance from the food we eat.Taking biotin and vitamin B is good for our hair ,taking food which are rich in vitamin B  and zinc ,promote healthy hair growth and slow hair loss,because it can boost thyroid function.

Zinc may be beneficial for people who have brittle or thinning hair as a result of an under active thyroid.
Para aminobenzoic acid may protect hair follicles and prevent hair loss.It is recommended for restoring grey hair to its natural colour,but it works only if you have deficiency of PABA or vitamin B .Take one tsp of flax seed after breakfast for healthy hair.

Tuesday 7 July 2015


Do you have swollen hands and feet especially before your periods .There are main symptoms of water retention in the body .It increase blood pressure in your veins ,causes increased pressure in the tiny capillaries that work throughout our tissues bloated bellied ,swollen figure in women before their period may be cause of PMS that is regulation of water balance in the body . Add these foods and supplements in your diet to reduce water retention .

Take adequate quantity of vitamin A and C ,which is available in dark green vegetables and dairy products.

Eat vitamin C ,which is available in amla and citrus fruits. Women who are suffering from pre menstrual syndrome(PMS) must take vitamin B6 ,It plays main role in the body's use of hormones linked to water retention.Vitamin B is also good for our nervous system  ,Take vitamin B6  ,which is available in whole grains ,nuts ,soya bean ,egg yolk and dairy products.

Saturday 4 July 2015


Every one should nourish their skin daily to get a fabulous skin. Over exposure to sun and wind can damage our skin.To get a smooth and clearer skin day by day using these natural remedies , look better and brighter in a week and month .The Avocado is one of the most nutritious fruit ,it contains a great number of vitamins ,minerals and natural oil which can help feed the skin.

AVOCADO MASK ---Two tsp pulp of avocado +one tsp of honey + four drops of lemon juice. Mix all ingredients into a paste and apply on face for half an hour. It has every thing we need to nourish our skin.This mask is rich in nourishing and pampering.


During humidity day our hair is prone to curling water molecules will steadily absorbed and incorporated into hydrogen.Frizzy hair occurs when the cuticle layer of your hair is raised ,allowing moisture to pass through and swell the strands ,as a result our hair looks dry and frizzy.

A few changes in diet and life style can help you to tackle frizzy hair .Always use a wide toothed comb on wet hair ,any other brush will stretch the hair and cause frizz . Keep away hair from the back of your neck ,the moisture from the sweat will frizz hair ,Don't over do anti frizz hair serum at the root ,it will make your hair limp and greasy.Lack of vitamins and iron can week and brittle hair.

HOME REMEDY FOR FRIZZY HAIR----Take half cup of Aloe vera paste or juice mix with half cup of honey and apply the mixture on your hair root's and let it stay for 15 minutes .Do this twice a week.

Take two egg yolk + two tsp of apple cider vinegar,mix both in a paste and apply on roots for half an hour.