Saturday 30 January 2016


Our skin eats whatever we feed it Our skin is a water proof wrapping which does many functions.The glands which produce oil keep the skin supple and during winter it give us dry skin. This is why we all need extra care for our skin.To look always fresh use homemade beauty products.

(1) Always moisturize  your skin with essential oils.
(2)Use sesame oil for face massage and massage on wet face for five minutes.

FACE MASK--(1) Take two  tsp crushed rose petals and mix in one tsp of fresh raw milk .Apply on face for 10 minutes.wash off with fresh water.

(2) Take one egg yolk +half tsp olive oil +half tsp honey.Mix all ingredients and apply on face for 10 minutes.Rinse with water.
(3) Take one piece bread +half tsp milk +1/4 tsp honey. Mix all and apply on face for 10 minutes.
(4) One tsp aloe vera paste and one vitamin E capsule,mix both well and apply on face for  five minutes.

Friday 22 January 2016


When the skin produce excess oil it result in pimples ,after that pimple is gone it leave you with a pimple scars.Pimple are skin inflammations of the skin .They are oil glands which are infected with bacteria of the skin even vitamin D deficiency may be cause of pimples scars .Pimples scars are most often the product of an inflamed lesion such as a cyst inflamed blemishes occur  when the pore becomes engorged with excess oil and dead skin cells.Stay away from cosmetic and heavy moisturizer.

TREATMENT FOR SCARS ---(1) Take half tsp of grounded black til (black sesame) +half tsp yellow mustard +one tsp rose  water .Mix all ingredients and apply on face for 20 minutes .Wash gently with fresh water..

(2) -- Take handful of coriander leaves +half  handful of mint leave .Grind both with some rose water and apply on face for 20 minutes .wash your face with fresh water.

(3) --Take half tsp coconut oil +half tsp lemon juice +half tsp sandalwood powder+ two pc camphor .Mix all ingredients well  and apply on face for 15 minutes and wash your face with fresh water .

(4) Use essential oil like tea tree,avocado oil.Take few drops of oil on cotton ball and pat gently on your skin  and leave for 15 minutes .

Friday 15 January 2016


Skin eats whatever we feed it .Our skin is a water proof wrapping which does many functions .Our skin have some self cleaning and self lubricating extent .The glands which produce oil keep the skin supple and some times under produce give us dry skin.This is why we all need a extra care for our skin .

Do wash your face twice a day with a lukewarm milk or water .

Always moisturize your skin with essential oils .

Do facial facial exercise daily .

Always massage on wet face and do not use strong scrubber to avoid stretching .

Do not use chemical make up remover ,use vegetable oil to remove make up .

FOR DRY SKIN -- Use sesame oil

FOR SENSITIVE SKIN AND OILY SKIN --Use sunflower oil.Put some drops of oil on cotton ball and wipe gently make up.
Always massage around eyes in a circular direction from outside corner of eye to the inside .

Apply fruit mask once in a week according to your skin type .

FOR DRY SKIN--Apply banana pulp mask .

FOR SENSITIVE SKIN--Apply pineapple pulp mask.

FOR OILY SKIN--Apply papaya pulp mask.
Apply fruit pulp mask to face and neck and leave it for 10 minutes .Rinse with fresh water.

Saturday 9 January 2016


Basically skin tonics freshen the skin ,but they also cleaning process by removing all dust but mostly toner contain large amount of alcohol , They dry the skin.They are suitable for oily skin.

Toning means give your face a treatment with a brisk slapping movement .Toning like this stimulates the blood supply to the skin .

HOW TO MAKE SKIN TONER AT HOME --Take one little of hot purified water +two cup of rose petals or witch  hazel .Pour the boiling water over the herbs and cover it for one hour ,after  one hour strain the mixture and use as toner .You can make any type of toner  according to your skin type  . Take a few amount of toner upon your hand and apply on face with a brisk slapping movement  for 30 seconds.It will stimulates the blood supply to the skin and your skin will be smooth and lustrous.

Thursday 7 January 2016


The average has 100,000 hair on the scalp.The factor which affect our hair baldness and hair loss are hormones ,genetic ,climate and improper diet .There are several causes of baldness and hair fall ,if you are overworked or tense your hair will instantly reflect it tension in the hair loss .All dyes contain chemical which harms the hair in the long run .Hair is fed by the blood flowing to the follicle,so we should take good diet for good circulation to healthy hair.

TREATMENT FOR BALDNESS AND HAIR FALL --Weekly scalp massage is the most beneficial treatment for good hair .Do regular massage with castor oil to control hair fall and baldness .

MASK FOR BALDNESS AND HAIR FALL--Take one cup of onion paste +two tsp honey .Mix both ingredients and massage your scalp with this mixture and cover your hair with a cap .Wash off after 40 minutes.Do this treatment daily for a few months .

 (2)   Make a mixture of one egg yolk +one tsp of honey +one tsp of castor oil .Massage your scalp with this mixture from roots to the rest of hair and leave it for 30 minutes.Rinse your hair with shampoo.