Monday 5 January 2015

Beat the Winter Weather Beautifully

Winter Make Our Skin Dry and Dull
Overexposure to dry and cold wind damage the skin ,its dehydrating effects put pressure on the epidermis of the top layer of skin which is composed of dead cells .Cold weather and cool winds cause dry skin conditions ,so adjust your routine to lubrication and moisture your skin .The best way to cleans your face with a cream mixed with a rose water.Always try wash your face with milk + oatmeal ,which are less drying than soap.  
Mask for Dry Skin -

Mash a Banana mix it with few drops of almond or olive oil.

Apply it on face for 20 minutes use it twice a week


Wash your face with home made scrubber oatmeal + milk a paste and rub on your face use daily .

Feel the difference with in a 15 days

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