Friday 26 August 2016


Our skin has tiny pores which connected few  to oil glands .These glands produce an oily liquid .The sebum carries dead skin cells through the follicles to the surface of the skin.Pimple grow when these follicles get blocked.The risk of developing pimples is increased by diet high in diary products and hypoglycemic food .

TREATMENT FOR PIMPLES ---Wash your face about twice each day and use mild soap .Do not use scrubber on your face ,only use make up that is non acne genic ,if you have an existing skin problem  to detoxify   the body internally before to try any treatment .

Take 4to 5 crushed nutmeg powder
+ one tsp raw milk ,mix both ingredients well and apply on pimples for 20 minutes and then wash off with fresh water. Repeat daily for few days.

Vick's  vap rub is an effective treatment for pimples.Its ingredients camphor and eucalyptus oil will help  to dry out the pimple .Apply a little vick's on pimple for few days.

Tuesday 9 August 2016


Skin eats whatever we feed it .Our skin is a waterproof wrapping which does many functions.Our skin have some self cleaning and self lubricating extent .The glands ,which produce oil keep the skin supple and sometimes under produce give us dry skin.This is why we all need a little extra care for our skin.

(1)Do wash your face twice a day with a with a luke warm water or milk according to your skin type .

(2) Always moisturize your skin with essential oil .

(3) Do facial exercise .

(4) Always massage oil on wet skin and not use strong scrubber to avoid stretching .

(5)Do not use chemical make up remover ,use vegetable oil to remove make up.

FOR DRY SKIN--Use sesame oil
FOR SENSITIVE SKIN AND OILY SKIN --Use sunflower oil .Put some drops of oil on cotton ball and wipe gently .

(6)Always massage around eyes in a circulation motion from out side corner of eye to the inside .

(7) Apply fruit mask once in a week according to your skin type.
DRY SKIN --Apply banana mask

SENSITIVE SKIN -Pineapple mask

OILY SKIN---Apply papaya mask

Sunday 7 August 2016


Rice powder that is used make so many dishes,but it can also be used to make face masks.Which will lighten the skin complexion making the skin fair.It can also be used for body scrubber or use that as the home made ubtan.It gives a glow on the face and increases the cell renewal rate.Rice flour mask helps to remove sun tan ,hyper pigmentation and age spot,so here are some rice powder beauty tips.

Take one tsp rice powder + half oats +honey.Mix all ingredients .Rub gently on your face for few minutes and then wash off with fresh water.This scrubber is good for dry skin.

(2) --Take one tsp rice powder +half tsp multani mitti (fuller's earth)+tomato pulp and mix all ingredients and apply on the face .Try this every other day for clear spotless skin.It is also good for skin whitening.

(3)--Take one tsp rice flour +half tsp grated cucumber +few drops of lemon juice .Mix all well and apply on face for 10 minutes.It act as anti tan pack.

(4)--One tsp rice flour +one tsp green tea water+half tsp honey .Mix all well and apply on face for 15 minutes and then wash off with fresh water.It gives you a fairer and even skin tone.
Rice powder is a great ingredients to exfoliate the skin.