Friday 14 August 2015


Pores on face become enlarged when they are clogged with oil.Pores enlarge when they become clogged with oil. Open pores worsen with increasing age as the skin loose elasticity.Always wash your face once in a morning ,once at night ,this will help to shrink your pores.Apply home made mask to shrink your tissues and tighten pores.These mask shrink pores and tighten our skin and our skin looks smoother and firmer.

(1) ICE -Ice works as an effective home remedy to shrink large pores.Wrap some ice in a soft cloth and hold on your skin for few seconds or wash your face with ice cold water.

(2) TOMATOES--Mash some tomatoes and apply on your face for five to seven minutes and wash your face with cold water to shrink pores.

(3) LEMON--Apply lemon juice on your face before sleeping .Lemon is a natural astringent that will close your pores.