Sunday 25 January 2015


Cause of pimples-
                              Pimples are skin inflamation  of the skin.
                              They  are  oil glands. which are infected with bacteria.which are infected with bacteria even vitamin D deficiency may be cause of pimples.Pimple occur when the sebaceous glands ,which are located at the base of hair follicles become over active.when our kapha or pitta imbalance ,All inbalance of dosha's appear on skin causes skin problem  like pimple, wrinkle ect.
                1       Treatment for pimples- grind 4 to5 Pc of jaiphal(nutmeg) with two tsp of fresh milk.and apply on the face. wash off after 20 minutes
               .                                          OR

                2  Take some crushed   fresh neem leaves mix it in one tsp of  multani mitti(fuller's earth) two tsp of water.mix all ingredients and apply on your face for 20 minutes.wash off with fresh water.                                                            OR
3     Mash the garlic cloves and apply externally.


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